Simple Maven example fails with unusual error

Johan Vos johan.vos at
Mon Jul 23 15:22:34 UTC 2018

Hi Mark,

So it seems these issues are not OpenJFX specific, and more projects will
run into this?
I'm a bit worried about the grey zone between OpenJDK and Maven/Gradle...
@Kevin are you aware of someone from the jigsaw team who is working in this
zone? Alan Bateman?

- Johan

On Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 2:33 PM Mark Raynsford <org.openjdk at> wrote:

> On 2018-07-23T10:49:29 +0100
> Paul Ray Russell <paulrussell70 at> wrote:
> > Mark,
> >
> > I do find the following:
> > - and I notice in
> your
> > POM you're using an annotation processor path.
> Removed that. Same error, unfortunately.
> I feel like we may be looking at two separate issues here. One appears
> to be that the non-platform-specific artifacts are named such that the
> JVM attempts to derive an automatic module name from them and can't due
> to the structure of the version number. The other issue appears to be
> some sort of compiler bug.
> There's a new release of the compiler plugin due out soon that I hope
> might fix the latter, but I think the former is going to require a
> version number format change - it's not possible to get around the fact
> that Maven is going to name the jar files a certain way on disk, and
> that the JVM doesn't like what it names them.
> --
> Mark Raynsford |

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