OpenJFX code review policies, etc.

Johan Vos johan.vos at
Fri Jun 1 09:06:45 UTC 2018

On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 11:25 PM Kevin Rushforth <kevin.rushforth at>

> On 5/24/2018 9:31 AM, Nir Lisker wrote:
> > Thanks for the detailed plan Kevin,
> >
> ...
> >
> > Can you give the guidelines by which a lead reviews / approves one of
> > the above?
> Ultimately it will be a judgment call. I can't speak for Johan, but what
> I usually do is see whether the proposed feature is a good fit for the
> API, doesn't raise any compatibility concerns, is supportable, testable,
> etc., and then get to the more detailed review of the spec and API
> additions themselves.

I agree. New features should be consistent with existing features, and we
have to make sure OpenJFX is not just a bucket of some cool but isolated
What I would like to add is feasibility. When something is planned, we
should have a good feeling that it can and will be done. Expectations and
reality should not diverge.
Which does not mean we should not be ambitious of course.

- Johan

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