Draft JEP for new Packaging Tool (replacement for javapackager)

Mario Ivankovits mario at datenwort.at
Sun Jun 3 08:11:43 UTC 2018

A preloader/splash-screen will/should also hide the JVM startup time.

Best regards,

> Am 03.06.2018 um 09:57 schrieb Tom Schindl <tom.schindl at bestsolution.at>:
> On 01.06.18 19:42, Johan Vos wrote:
>> I'm not saying a preloader is really a requirement, but I know of a few
>> applications that are using it and benefiting from it.
>> The preloader functionality is more than just a splash screen, and I see
>> this valuable for instance when static initializers of classes that are
>> used in the main class may take a lot of time.
> Then I'd argue that you can easily refactor your main-class ;-)
> Tom

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