Draft JEP for new Packaging Tool (replacement for javapackager)

Johan Vos johan.vos at gluonhq.com
Mon Jun 4 07:50:17 UTC 2018

Well yes, that is actually a very important point.
While one can do that easily, that does not mean everyone will do it.

I typically counter the "JavaFX is slow" bashing with "JavaFX allows you to
create high-performance applications, but it also allows you to create very
slow ones".

It is actually much easier to create an application that starts up slower.
In most cases, that can be fixed by refactoring, but at the very least
developers should then have a clue on what to refactor.

A splash screen is not a generic solution for performance problems, but it
can be an easy fix in case much time is spent in <clinit> methods.

- Johan

On Sun, Jun 3, 2018 at 10:08 AM Tom Schindl <tom.schindl at bestsolution.at>

> On 01.06.18 19:42, Johan Vos wrote:
> > I'm not saying a preloader is really a requirement, but I know of a few
> > applications that are using it and benefiting from it.
> >
> > The preloader functionality is more than just a splash screen, and I see
> > this valuable for instance when static initializers of classes that are
> > used in the main class may take a lot of time.
> Then I'd argue that you can easily refactor your main-class ;-)
> Tom

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