negative line spacing in Text

Phil Race philip.race at
Wed Jun 13 22:49:45 UTC 2018

I looked at the source and it is a double property that is just added to 
the default line height
So I don't see why it would just cause line wrap to fail such that text 
was all on the same line,
which is how I am interpreting what you are saying.
Perhaps if you are using too large a negative value something I'm 
overlooking is clamping it ..

FWIW line-spacing is not a W3C CSS property so far as I can tell, so it 
is just FX CSS
There is line-height in the W3C spec but it is specified differently.


On 06/13/2018 12:55 AM, Matthias Hänel wrote:
> Hey guys,
> since Java 8 all javafx multiline text controls (Label, TextArea, TextFlow) support linespacing via the css -fx-line-spacing attribute and Properties (on TextArea on Text-Node of Skin accessible via lookup).
> However none of them seem to support negative value which would be necessary to achieve a linespacing smaller then the default, since default value is 0.
> If a negative value is used, e.g. for a Labels line spacing, it will simply not wrap or line feed(\n).
> Is there a way to achieve a line spacing smaller than the default with these components?
> Thank you in advance
> Matthias
> --
> Matthias Hänel
> haenel at
> onexip GmbH
> Am Waldschloesschen 2 | D-01099 Dresden | Germany

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