JavaFX and it use of GTK3

Phil Race philip.race at
Thu Jun 21 19:02:31 UTC 2018

If you are dependent on Qt, you won't run on systems that don't have Qt 
All software has dependencies ..
GTK is what core JDK uses, Swing has a GTK L&F, we generally have
used platforms which use GTK as our core platforms, for build, test, and 


On 06/20/2018 01:16 PM, Sverre Moe wrote:
>>> What does GTK have to say for JavaFX (disregard any AWT/Swing and SWT) ?
>> FX is not a GTK app from a rendering perspective.
>> It is used for all needed interaction with the Windowing System
> Makes sense. For GUI components such as the FileChooser.
> The FileChooser in JavaFX is using the system GTK theme, regardless of
> Modena or any other configured styling.
>>> Does it mean JavaFX supports GTK3 themes? If one have selected a
>>> desktop GTK theme could it be used in the JavaFX application for
>>> styling?
>> No .. and no.
> I was wondering because I know Eclipse have been effected in the past
> by my installed GTK themes.
> To be able to utilize the GTK theme would have helped to keep theme
> consistent. Since dialogs such as FileChooser are using the GTK theme.
>>> Has Qt ever been a consideration for JavaFX instead of GTK?
>> No.
> Why not? Would it be difficult to implement an Qt alternative for GTK
> in Java? If it is even feasible.
> In effect it means JavaFX will not work on systems that doesn't have
> GTK installed, though OpenJDK have no install requirement on GTK.
> I am running KDE which uses Qt, and apart from a very few applications
> I have very little reliance on GTK.

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