Text mismeasured at certain Windows DPI levels

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at oracle.com
Mon Mar 12 15:02:00 UTC 2018

Since you have a simple test program that reproduces this bug, can you 
please file a bug report?



-- Kevin

Chris Nahr wrote:
> After some more experimentation I added some details and a screenshot 
> (from another test program) to this blog post:
> http://news.kynosarges.org/2018/03/11/windows-gui-dpi-scaling-in-2018/
> That's about a small test suite for DPI scaling, and it's where I 
> first saw this bug. Like the repro program below these test programs 
> are quite simple. The bug does not seem to occur in more complex 
> real-world programs, but it's reproducible when it does occur and also 
> affects labeled controls other than checkboxes (saw it in buttons).
> As I wrote in the blog post: My present guess is that on DPI scales 
> that are not multiples of 100%, there is a small discrepancy in the 
> initial measurement between a label's required width and the width 
> provided by its container. In complex windows this gets eventually 
> fixed by subsequent layout passes, but in simple windows the error 
> persists and manifests as an ellipsis.
> -- Christoph Nahr
> On 2018-03-09 10:58, Chris Nahr wrote:
>> I've found a pretty serious issue with CheckBox labels on Windows DPI 
>> levels other than 100% or 200%. Apparently the label mismeasures 
>> itself during layout, so its text is cut off with an ellipsis.
>> I've attached a simple program to reproduce this. Running with 
>> -Dglass.win.uiScale=100%, 125%, 150%, 175%, 200% cuts off all 
>> CheckBox labels on any DPI scale between 100% and 200%. My 
>> environment is Java SE 9.0.4 on Windows 10 Creators Update.
>> The only workaround I found was to set an explicit minimum width for 
>> the CheckBox. In that case the incorrect self-measurement of the 
>> label text is ignored and the full text displayed.
>> Best regards,
>> Christoph Nahr
>> ----- Test Program -----
>> import javafx.application.*;
>> import javafx.scene.*;
>> import javafx.scene.control.*;
>> import javafx.scene.layout.*;
>> import javafx.stage.*;
>> public class CheckBoxLabel extends Application {
>>      public static void main(String[] args) {
>>          Application.launch(args);
>>      }
>>      @Override
>>      public void start(Stage stage) {
>>          final HBox box = new HBox();
>>          for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
>>              box.getChildren().add(new CheckBox("Check"));
>>          stage.setScene(new Scene(box));
>>          stage.show();
>>      }
>> }

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