OpenJFX GitHub mirror

Nir Lisker nlisker at
Mon Mar 26 09:52:45 UTC 2018

Hi All,

A few comments about the mirror and JBS:

1. In PRs and issues on GitHub, I strongly suggest that the link to JBS be
included in the top comment. If the JBS issue was created after a
discussion, edit it in.

2. In JBS, I suggest to link to the GitHub mirror via More > Link > Web
Link and in the Link Text use something like "GitHub mirror" (open for
suggestions). JIRA renders the link in an easy to see way (easier than
looking at URLs). Iv'e tried it in a couple of issues, e.g., and it seems preferable to

3. In JBS, I suggest a new label will be used for issues which are linked
to GitHub for search purposes. This is similar to the webbug label.

If these are agreeable, please add them to the contribution instructions.

4. What is Newcomers can confuse it
with javafxports/openjdk-jfx.

5. When the mirror is fully ready and operational, we should advertise on
community pages (like Reddit) to gather up contributors. Please keep a
mental reminder when the time comes.

Thanks to all who are working on this.

- Nir

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