JDK-8195974: Replace use of java.util.logging in javafx with System logger

Murali Billa murali.billa at oracle.com
Wed May 2 20:21:56 UTC 2018

Hi Nir,


1)      Regarding “verbose” flag usage:  

·         Currently verbose flag is used to show log Levels (FINER/FINE/INFO/WARNING) in WCMediaPlayer & WCMediaPlayerImpl.  I feel it is not desirable to remove this flag as all these logs will start appearing now by default.

·         We can try 2 options: 

a)       1st Option: We can change all INFO log messages to FINE  under verbose flag (by leaving all log messages that use Level other than INFO unchanged) and verbose flag can be removed.

b)      If 1st option results in too much noise for WARNING log messages, then we can keep the verbose flag and introduce a System Property (for ex: javafx.web.verbose) to enable the flag. I won’t suggest reading level value from log/config file.


2)      Regarding  “com.sun.javafx.webkit.drt.DumpRenderTree”,  I need to check few more things (since we use “addHandler” in drt) and will get back to you.


Please let me know, if you have any queries for 1.



From: Nir Lisker <nlisker at gmail.com> 
Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2018 1:06 AM
To: Murali Billa <murali.billa at oracle.com>
Cc: openjfx-dev at openjdk.java.net Mailing <openjfx-dev at openjdk.java.net>
Subject: JDK-8195974: Replace use of java.util.logging in javafx with System logger


Hi Murali,


Can you have a look at https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8195974 please?


There are some usages of j.u.l in the web module I'd like your opinion on. I'm not familiar with the intent of these pieces of code and would like to know what the options are for advancing with this issue on that front.




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