Announcing EA builds of standalone JavaFX SDK

Michael Paus mp at
Tue May 8 12:39:11 UTC 2018

Am 08.05.18 um 14:27 schrieb Tom Schindl:
> [...]
>> 3. How do you properly configure an Eclipse (the latest 4.7.3a) project
>> to use this module path. Adding the OpenJDK was no problem but how do
>> you add the module path for JavaFX? I failed on that.
> You just open the Java Build Path-Properties-Page on the project and add
> the external jars, not?
> Tom

That's one of the ways I tried it but ...

1. is that the intended way of doing it? On the command line you just 
specify a single folder.

2. I did this and it resolved all dependencies at compile time but I got 
an exception at runtime

Error occurred during initialization of boot layer
java.lang.module.FindException: Module javafx.fxml not found

although I also added


as VM arguments.

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