OpenJFX status update

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Wed May 16 19:04:27 UTC 2018

On 5/16/2018 10:49 AM, Ty Young wrote:

> That one, as mentioned in the wiki build guide. I get an immediate 
> build fail(see: The JDK works just 
> fine: I can set it as the default JDK, run Netbeans, set the project 
> source to 11, and my application builds just fine.

Ah, I see. You didn't say what version of gradle or JDK you were using, 
but this looks like a known problem in trying to run gradle with JDK 11. 

This is marked as fixed in gradle 4.8-rc1, but I haven't confirmed this.

>>> And could the new standalone modules be integrated with the source 
>>> code somehow so that a JDK without JavaFX support can be compiled?
>> Not sure what you mean, but you can use an OpenJDK without modules + 
>> the JavaFX standalone modules to build and run your program.
> It's an option, sure. My problem with it is that it creates so much 
> unnecessary disk usage because each bundled application requires it's 
> own copy of JavaFX. If you had 10 standalone JavaFX applications it 
> would be 1GB easily if they where all modular projects, which are 
> around 106MB for me. Creating an app bundle using classpath is around 
> 200MB(post JDK 8 was 250+ IIRC).

One option for you would be to use jlink to create a jre image that 
includes the javafx modules. This week's openjfx-11-ea+14 build will 
have a jmods bundle that you can use for this purpose.

>>> As I wrote before and am still having issues with, after a 
>>> successful first compile, JavaFX no longer compiles in Arch Linux 
>>> for me. Any attempt to do so results in a bunch of warning 
>>> messages(see: which cause the build 
>>> to fail due to warnings being treated as errors(Should they even be 
>>> ignored?). In addition. I'm now getting a GCC warning about XIMProc 
>>> returning an int when it should return void (*). I don't know C or 
>>> the native APIs so right now I'm at a loss of what to do besides 
>>> trying to compile on another distro - which is something I *really* 
>>> would prefer not to have to do.
>> What gcc version are you using? And what Linux distro?
> 8.1.0 and Arch Linux(Antergos which is basically Arch Linux).

That's not a distro I'm familiar with, but it may or may not be related 
to the issue you are seeing. The gcc errors may be related to compiling 
with a more-strict 8.1 compiler; we have tested with up to gcc 7.3, but 
nothing newer than that. A quick look suggests that we will need some 
way to suppress that warning. For now, you can modify 
buildSrc/linux.gradle and remove the "-Werror" flag from (ditto for gtk3).

-- Kevin

>> -- Kevin

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