Review Request: JDK-8195974: Replace use of java.util.logging

Nir Lisker nlisker at
Tue May 22 12:39:48 UTC 2018

Hi Daniel,

I see that you have changed javafx.base tests to stop using
> java.util.logging for verifying the log messages produced
> by javafx.base classes, and I was wondering whether that
> was really necessary?

This was the most acceptable approach. The reason is that using j.u.l.,
even in tests, causes problems for OpenJFX on Eclipse.

This was brought up a few times before: in a discussion about
Eclipse-specific files [1], in the issue comments [2], and in a discussion
about this issue [3].

I waited with the decision to remove j.u.l. completely until all its uses
were understood and I could determine that they are minor enough for a
replacement to be put in at the benefit of being able to develop OpenJFX on
Eclipse. I'm aware that changing code because an IDE doesn't handle it well
it isn't a good practice, but in this case there were no objections. In the
future, if an irreplaceable need to use j.u.l. arises, we can reevaluate
this point and see if Eclipse has made any changes to remove this conflict
(I'm not sure if they're planning to).

The availability of j.u.l. with respect to System.Logger isn't the issue.





On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 3:01 PM, Daniel Fuchs <daniel.fuchs at>

> Hi Nir,
> By default, the backend of System.Logger is java.util.logging,
> as long as the java.logging module is present and no
> custom LoggerFinder service has been deployed.
> This means that in a usual testing environment, if a library
> emits a log message using the System.Logger API, then a test
> for that library should still be able to observe that message
> using the regular java.util.logging APIs.
> (unless a LoggerFinder service has explicitly been deployed,
> or unless the test runs with a --limit-modules option that
> excludes java.logging).
> I see that you have changed javafx.base tests to stop using
> java.util.logging for verifying the log messages produced
> by javafx.base classes, and I was wondering whether that
> was really necessary?
> I mean - this could be necessary if the test was a whitebox
> test deployed by the test infrastructure in the same module
> than the code under test, and was therefore limited to only
> use those modules required by the module-info of that module,
> but if the test class is deployed on the class path / unnamed
> module then the test class  should still be able to
> configure/access java.logging to verify the behaviour
> of the module under test.
> best regards,
> -- daniel
> On 20/05/2018 13:00, openjfx-dev-request at wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Please review the fix approach for:
>> Many details in the issue.
>> Thanks,
>> Nir

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