Draft JEP for new Packaging Tool (replacement for javapackager)

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at oracle.com
Thu May 31 20:56:53 UTC 2018

The existing javapackager doesn't really know much about JavaFX as it 
is, now that applet and Web Start are gone. I am not aware of anything 
that would preclude packaging up a JavaFX application. We will certainly 
test the ability to package up a JavaFX application.

As for the schedule, I agree it isn't ideal, but it's too late for JDK 11.

-- Kevin

On 5/31/2018 1:25 PM, Michael Paus wrote:
> Hi,
> is it possible to get a clear statement on whether it will be possible 
> to package a JavaFX application with the new packager in a similar way 
> as it is possible right now with the old packager? The texts are a 
> little bit vague there. I just don't know whether it is possible to 
> create a packager which does not know anything about the GUI framework 
> which has been used by an application.
> I would also like to express my concerns about the schedule. The next 
> Java release (11) will be an LTS release and that means that there 
> will not be any packager for all those people who will have to stick 
> with this release for a long time. This is a huge step backward for 
> Java because there is then no good deployment technology anymore for a 
> long time.
> Michael
> Am 31.05.18 um 02:11 schrieb Kevin Rushforth:
>> I just sent an email to the core-libs-dev alias [1] proposing a new 
>> Packaging Tool as a replacement for javapackager. If you are 
>> interested in this JEP, you can follow and participate in the 
>> discussion there.
>> -- Kevin
>> [1] 
>> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/core-libs-dev/2018-May/053503.html

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