Classes seem to be too restrictive
Thimo von Rauchhaupt
Thimo.von.Rauchhaupt at
Tue Nov 13 07:38:45 UTC 2018
As a feedback, I'd like to post my experience in upgrading our software from java 8 (Oracle JDK) to java 11 ( OpenJDK / OpenJFX).
Many classes where moved from private packages to javafx packages, but there are still some classes, which are too restrictive.
Either they are in some private packages or they have package-protected access on important methods / fields.
For instance :
* it is imposible to write an own ResizePolicy for tables, as the method TableColumn.doSetWidth() is package-private. I do see the fear that someone would use this method falsely, but IMHO protected would be a better variant to gain access for overridden classes.
* we needed to call updateDisplayNode() / updateDisplayArea() in ComboBoxPopupControl because we developed some special skins.
* you cannot access the behavior, nor is it impossible to override them property ass
To implement some features, we had to write own helper classes in javafx packages, to gain accessibility to the package private methods. This is not the perfect way, but as long as we do not use the module support we can have package-splits.
Best regards
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