Bug: Not on FX application thread exception is inconsistent

Mario Torre neugens.limasoftware at gmail.com
Tue Nov 13 15:26:11 UTC 2018

Il giorno mar 13 nov 2018 alle ore 16:11 Ty Young
<youngty1997 at gmail.com> ha scritto:
> On 11/12/18 9:12 PM, Brian Hudson wrote:
> > JavaFX like every other modern UI framework is single threaded.
> Which in itself is fine, running *just* the UI isn't much on modern
> processors. Adding a bunch of API object updates that cause thread
> slowdown to the mix that can cause UI stuttering is, again, asking for
> trouble.

I think you're missing the key point of synchronising different
threads for different tasks. You can do all the processing of your
objects in any thread you want, but the moment they need to update UI
state, this needs to be piped into the UI thread.

> And how is TableView, Slider, TextField, etc all working just fine but
> ComboBox freaks out? What's so special about ComboBox? Is there some
> hack I can do to not trigger the exception?

Just luck.

I suggest you to study and learn about concurrent programming and read
some basic tutorials on graphical programming, the issues you are
encountering aren't anything new, most frameworks work the same way.


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