Netbeans X & Java 11?

Ty Young youngty1997 at
Mon Nov 19 00:03:04 UTC 2018

On 11/18/18 3:01 PM, Michael Dever wrote:
> Oracle seems to have Destroyed the combination of:
> Netbeans, JavaFX, and SceneBuilder, building JavaFX from an IDE.
> Is there any other IDE that supports and builds: JavaFX FXML Applications,
> out of the box that just works, and that you can design the GUI application from SceneBuilder?
> Thanks,
> Mike Dever

Hi Mike,

I'm assuming you're getting a missing JavaFX deployment error which is 
the only error I could get with Java 11/JavaFX11 JDK in Netbeans with 
FXML and non modular application in Linux. As result of Oracle's 
careless deprecation and removal rampage, none of the non modular JavaFX 
applications in Netbeans(even 9!) work regardless of whether your JavaFX 
application is FXML or Java(which is all of templates/samples, by the 
by). I've brought this up before on this mailing list before in a bit of 
a rant and no one seemed to care to acknowledge that it was even an 
issue. There is some effort to make a replacement however it's being 
spearheaded by a company other than Oracle(abd IIRC is fit for primarily 
their needs. I couldn't get it to work for my jLink app) and who know 
when or if at all it will be integrated into JavaFX and Netbeans.

You can work around this by moving to a modular application. Sadly, 
Netbeans 9 does not provide any easy way to convert projects to the 
modular structure. Fortunately the process for converting it by hand is 
fairly easy for simple small projects:

1. Create a new modular application in Netbeans.

2. Copy <Project>/src/<name> to the modular applications 

3. Fix module name in module-info and add exports.

This will break Git(or at least it did for me). Yes, it really sucks but 
this is what happens when companies abort useful tools/secondary 
features out of the blue like an unwanted child without warning, proper 
& complete replacement, or time for IDE developers to add features to 
help migrate users of these features gracefully. This corporate middle 
fingering "It's our way or the highway" attitude is only going to hurt 
Java as a whole as no one can depend on anything for any long period of 
time and what tools/secondary features are being supported for the time 
being don't have all the features or functionality that deprecated 
features do. To add icing to the cake, Netbeans was formerly developed 
by Oracle themselves. Ouch.

But now I'm just repeating myself and going off topic. Yeah, if it's a 
small project the above should work fine. You might even be able to 
automate it if you really need to.

Hope this helps.

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