issue with WebView in 8u202

Anton Tarasov anton.tarasov at
Mon Nov 19 20:17:39 UTC 2018

Hello, JFX team!

We (at JetBrains) faced an issue with WebView after we've moved to an 
JFX update in JDK8u202. The issue is that WebView stopped loading images 
referenced by an absolute URL under some circumstances.

Below is a real html content, produced by IDEA markdown viewer. It has 
lots of style pre-loads and a sample image that it should eventually 
display. The html is loaded view WebEngine.loadContent(..) but a 
placeholder text is only displayed - that's the problem that can be 
reproduce with JDK8u202. However it worked with JDK8u152.

The style references will obviously fail for you, but if you put this 
html into a file and will load it via 
WebEngine.load(file:///path/to/file), the image will be shown with no 
problem (in 8u202 as well).

<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" 
content="default-src 'none'; script-src 
style-src https: 
img-src *; connect-src 'none'; font-src *; object-src 'none'; media-src 
'none'; child-src 'none';"/><link rel="stylesheet" 

md-src-pos="0..89"><p md-src-pos="0..88"><img 
alt="Kitten" title="A cute kitten" md-src-pos="0..88" /></p></body></html>

Then, if you remove all the style loading and leave only the image, the 
image will be shown in either way: load(url) or loadContent (in 8u202)

<html><head></head><body md-src-pos="0..89"><p md-src-pos="0..88"><img 
alt="Kitten" title="A cute kitten" md-src-pos="0..88" /></p></body></html>

Sorry for not submitting the code, I hope you will easily put it into a 
real demo (I played with JFX's WebViewApp).

So, could you please advice on what went wrong with it?

With regards,

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