Updated code review policies posted on OpenJFX Project Wiki

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at oracle.com
Mon Oct 22 12:32:59 UTC 2018

A great idea that I had forgotten about. One of the Reviewers mentioned 
the same to me off list.

-- Kevin

On 10/21/2018 3:05 AM, Nir Lisker wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
> I suggest to add an "areas of expertise" (modules or JBS components) 
> to the list of reviewers on the Code Reviews page, at least for active 
> Reviewers, similarly to how it is done on the Code Ownership page.
> It doesn't need to have a formal function (I brought up that idea 
> during the spring discussion), but would help to know who to consult 
> with when working on some part of OpenJFX.
> - Nir
> On Sat, Oct 20, 2018 at 12:18 AM Kevin Rushforth 
> <kevin.rushforth at oracle.com <mailto:kevin.rushforth at oracle.com>> wrote:
>     The updated code review policies that we discussed last spring are
>     now
>     posted on the OpenJFX Project Wiki [1]. For the most part, we have
>     effectively been following these for the past several months. This
>     will
>     formalize the policies in a way that will be easier to point new
>     contributors at. If any of you have any suggestions for making it
>     easier
>     to understand, please send them our way.
>     The executive summary is:
>     1. Recorded the fact that Johan and I are co-leads of the OpenJFX
>     Project
>     2. Formalized the concept of a Reviewer role and recorded the initial
>     list of Reviewers
>     3. Formalized the code review requirements:
>     * simple fixes: 1"R"eviewer
>     * higher-impact fixes: 2 reviewers (one of whom must be "R"eviewer)
>     * new features / API changes: discus proposed changes on this
>     list, CSR
>     review (including approval by a Lead) for API changes + 2
>     reviewers for
>     implementation
>     4. Formalized the streamlined GitHub code review (as long as you
>     complete all review steps, including RFR email to this list, prior
>     to PR
>     being merged, there is no need for a webrev or additional review
>     to push
>     it to HG jfx-dev repo)
>     I am working on an update to the GitHub CONTRIBUTING.md page [2] to
>     align with these newly-formalized policies, primarily to help
>     first time
>     contributors, but also as a reminder for all contributors. I'll
>     send a
>     PR when ready (tomorrow or Monday).
>     -- Kevin
>     [1] https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/OpenJFX/Code+Reviews
>     [2]
>     https://github.com/javafxports/openjdk-jfx/blob/develop/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md

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