Problems building openjfx

fastegal at fastegal at
Wed Oct 31 13:57:03 UTC 2018

first try, following the instructions (for win10) at:

that is having downloaded, installed the required tools, added env  
vars as desribed.

Then in cygwin, navigate to the git working dir, typing

gradle tasks

fails with:

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* Where:
'C:\Daten\data-for-work\eclipse\gitrep-openjdk\openjdk-jfx\buildSrc\win.gradle' line:  

* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating script.
> FAIL: WINSDK_DIR not defined

to me, it looks the env var WINSDK_DIR is not set - what should go in there?

Thanks, Jeanette

BTW: did I ever mention that I hate command line tools - and they feel  
it, fighting back with all they got ;)

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