Is JavaFX going to truly be a community project?

Pedro Duque Vieira pedro.duquevieira at
Sat Sep 1 12:00:48 UTC 2018


For JavaFX to start being, truly, a community project it is important that
it is perceived as a real community effort. Right now it's starting to look
more like it's changing hands, from being an Oracle project to being a
Gluon project.

I don't have anything against Gluon, I'd say the same if for instance,
instead of Gluon it was JPro or Karakun, or whatever...

Hosting the JavaFX docs, builds, installations, etc on a company owned site
or a company endorsed site sounds like a really bad idea. Which is what's
happening right now. If it's to be a community project it should be owned
by the community as a whole. As well as being perceived to be owned by the
community as a whole.

Being a one company project will deter the contributions of other players
in the JavaFX space. Other players that also offer consultancy services,
and JavaFX products will have a big disadvantage towards the company
hosting the JavaFX assets and downloads. At the very minimum think about
the huge advantage this company will have in publicity when compared to the

A community project is a project where various players join efforts to
mutually benefit each other. As soon as this starts being a project that's
benefiting one particular company more than the others it ceases to be a
community project.

I don't think that anyone would like to join in on the efforts in this


Pedro Duque Vieira -

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