Parallel Camera in Java 9+

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Wed Sep 12 12:16:18 UTC 2018

Hi Vincent,

As of JDK 9 the Standard Extension mechanism, as implemented by the 
"lib/ext" directory in the JDK, has been removed. If you need to locally 
modify a class in one of the javafx.* modules you will either need to 
build JavaFX from source or patch the module (presumably, using the "--patch-module" option of "java".

-- Kevin

On 9/12/2018 1:52 AM, Vincent MOLLIERE wrote:
> Hi,
> I am new to this list so let me know if I’m wrong somewhere.
> In my development, I’m using JavaFX 3d in an extensive manner.
> I developed a JavaFX 3D framework, compensating flows and missing features.
> One of this flaws in the ParallelCamera, the position and clippings are
> calculated weirdly. And there is no zoom.
> I have developed a new implementation of camera that calculate correctly
> this parameters. This new class only work if I put in a jar, and copy it
> the the ext folder in the jdk, if not, its implemented functions are not
> called.
> The problem is from JDK 9, the ext folder was deleted, and I cannot use
> anymore this camera. I tried in JDK10 with JavaFX libraries from Maven and
> it does not work too (the implemented functions are not called)
> What could be a solution for this problem ?
> Thank you for your help.

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