"Toolkit already initialized" error with OpenJDK 11

marcel Austenfeld marcel.au at web.de
Wed Sep 26 13:31:10 UTC 2018

Hello Kevin,

I already use Platform.setImplicitExit(false) at startup so this can't be the problem. All SWT FXCanvas  are not closed (at least at startup). 

Could it be that the initialisation of the SWT FXCanvas is different and could cause the problem.

At the moment I use as java arguments:

--module-path C:\javafx-sdk-11\lib --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.swing,javafx.swt

The javafx.swt module is accepted but I have to add the javafx-swt.jar to my classpath to get at least an embedded canvas working.

Without the *.jar it won't work at all.

Is there a better or recommended option to include the javafx-swt.jar classes at startup in the --add-modules option?

The --add-modules javafx.swt doesn't seem to work.

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