JDK-8220272: Found the problem + possible fix

Michael Paus mp at jugs.org
Mon Apr 15 10:17:08 UTC 2019

If you want to report a bug go here: https://bugreport.java.com/bugreport/
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Am 15.04.19 um 11:54 schrieb Jason Shattu:
> Forgive my ignorance, but I can't work out how to submit an OpenJFX 
> bug report.
> The link you've sent  ultimately brings you to this page: 
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/secure/Dashboard.jspa
> but I don't see any thing for JavaFX here.
> Thanks,
> Jason
> ------ Original Message ------
> From: "Nir Lisker" <nlisker at gmail.com>
> To: "Thiago Milczarek Sayao" <thiago.sayao at clamed.com.br>
> Cc: "openjfx-dev at openjdk.java.net" <openjfx-dev at openjdk.java.net>
> Sent: 15/04/2019 10:45:36
> Subject: Re: JDK-8220272: Found the problem + possible fix
>> Hi Thiago,
>> Anyone can create a PR on GitHub, see
>> https://github.com/javafxports/openjdk-jfx/blob/develop/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md 
>> .
>> - Nir
>> On Mon, Apr 15, 2019 at 3:47 AM Thiago Milczarek Sayao <
>> thiago.sayao at clamed.com.br> wrote:
>>>  * THE PROBLEM *
>>>  In GlassApplication.cpp, the GDK_FOCUS_CHANGE event gets called 
>>> from the
>>>  last window to the first on my setup (I suspect "out-of-order" on some
>>>  setups and even occasionally in the expected order). So the code to 
>>> keep
>>>  the latest enabled window fails (refering to WindowStage.java
>>>  activeWindows) - that's why the "First Window" (on the code to 
>>> reproduce
>>>  the bug report) shows on top - because openjfx thinks it was the 
>>> latest
>>>  window. In WindowStage.java:
>>>      final void handleFocusDisabled() {
>>>          if (activeWindows.isEmpty()) {
>>>              return;
>>>          }
>>>          WindowStage window = activeWindows.get(activeWindows.size() 
>>> - 1);
>>>  //<-- HERE!!
>>>          window.setIconified(false);
>>>          window.requestToFront();
>>>          window.requestFocus();
>>>      }
>>>  When there is a WINDOW_MODAL this code gets called because the modal
>>>  window disable it's parents (so they do not get events - it's 
>>> correct). So
>>>  openjfx brings up what it thinks it's the latest window - but since 
>>> the out
>>>  of order GDK_FOCUS_CHANGE - it's the wrong window (activeWindows 
>>> list has
>>>  not the correct order).
>>>  The Gtk docs states GDK_FOCUS_CHANGE is true "if the window has 
>>> gained the
>>>  keyboard focus" which may not be directly correlated to openjfx's
>>>  WindowEvent.FOCUS_GAINED.
>>>  * THE FIX *
>>>  To fix this, WindowEvent.FOCUS_GAINED must be called in order of which
>>>  window is shown (because the window is inserted on activeWindows at 
>>> this
>>>  event).
>>>  So I have modified glass_window.cpp to immediately call
>>>  WindowEvent.FOCUS_GAINED when showing the window:
>>>  void WindowContextBase::set_visible(bool visible) {
>>>      if (visible) {
>>>          gtk_widget_show_all(gtk_widget);
>>>          //JDK-8220272 - fire event first because GDK_FOCUS_CHANGE 
>>> is not
>>>  always in order
>>>          if(jwindow && isEnabled()) {
>>>              mainEnv->CallVoidMethod(jwindow, jWindowNotifyFocus,
>>>  com_sun_glass_events_WindowEvent_FOCUS_GAINED);
>>>          }
>>>      } else {
>>>          gtk_widget_hide(gtk_widget);
>>>          if (jview && is_mouse_entered) {
>>>              is_mouse_entered = false;
>>>              mainEnv->CallVoidMethod(jview, jViewNotifyMouse,
>>>                      com_sun_glass_events_MouseEvent_EXIT,
>>> com_sun_glass_events_MouseEvent_BUTTON_NONE,
>>>                      0, 0,
>>>                      0, 0,
>>>                      0,
>>>                      JNI_FALSE,
>>>                      JNI_FALSE);
>>>              CHECK_JNI_EXCEPTION(mainEnv)
>>>          }
>>>      }
>>>  }
>>>  Did some tests and it seems to fix the problem.
>>>  I do not have permission to make a PR, so posting the fix here. Will
>>>  happily do the PR if required.
>>>  Thanks.

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