Skara - bot sending can-be-integrated message prematurely?
Nir Lisker
nlisker at
Wed Dec 18 18:36:12 UTC 2019
> The client libraries in the OpenJDK do as a default rule, excusing simple
> fixes.
Then maybe it would be helpful to have a "/reviewers n" command that will
tell the bot how many reviewers are needed. It's less convoluted than the
CSR tracking and basically replaces the comment a reviewer would make
anyway to inform the PR author how many reviewers they should wait for.
Extending the bot to look for n reviewers instead of the current 1 should
not be far fetched.
On Wed, Dec 18, 2019 at 4:02 AM Philip Race <philip.race at> wrote:
> On 12/16/19, 4:14 PM, Nir Lisker wrote:
> > Do other projects also have multi-reviewers requirements?
> The client libraries in the OpenJDK do as a default rule, excusing
> simple fixes.
> >
> > I would think that at least for a CSR, which is OpenJDK-wide, a request
> > could be put in with the Skara to track it. A Reviewer (or Committer?)
> > could invoke a /csr command which will require the PR author to provide a
> > link to the CSR, and check that it was approved as part of the patch
> > approval process.
> I think that if there is a CSR sub-task in JBS skara can key off whether
> that is approved.
> This does mean skara needs to probe JBS but SFAIK its doing that a
> hundred times
> a minute anyway.
> -phil.
> >
> > Not sure how complicated it would be to implement.
> >
> > - Nir
> >
> > On Mon, Dec 16, 2019 at 5:39 PM Kevin Rushforth<
> kevin.rushforth at>
> > wrote:
> >
> >> That's a good question about whether we can ask for a slight rewording
> >> of the Skara bot message to indicate that there might be other things to
> >> check before "/integrate". I'll raise that question with the Skara team.
> >>
> >> As an aside, I noticed the other day that you typed "/integrate" after a
> >> single review, but in that case, there was no clear indication from Ajit
> >> (the first reviewer and the sponsor) that a second review was required,
> >> so I didn't comment on it.
> >>
> >> -- Kevin
> >>
> >>
> >> On 12/16/2019 6:41 AM, Jeanette Winzenburg wrote:
> >>> Kevin,
> >>>
> >>> thanks for the clarification :) My bad that I didn't re-read the
> >>> But then, who does? The lazy like myself do it
> >>> occasionally only (down to once and then forget about it<g>)
> >>>
> >>> Maybe the bot message can be improved? With some indication that its
> >>> (the bot's) knowledge about review requirements is limited, so would
> >>> require a careful check by the contributor before actually post the
> >>> /integrate comment? Actually, I think I goofed the other day, was
> >>> safed only by Ajit who waited for the 2nd review before his /sponsor.
> >>>
> >>> -- Jeanette
> >>>
> >>> Zitat von Kevin Rushforth<kevin.rushforth at>:
> >>>
> >>>> I added a comment to the two PRs in question, but it bears discussion
> >>>> here.
> >>>>
> >>>> The Skara bot can't know whether all criteria have been met. It
> >>>> can't, for example, know whether there are outstanding comments from
> >>>> some reviewers that need to be addressed. Nor does it know which PRs
> >>>> need two reviewers (or sometimes a third if there is a specific
> >>>> person we would like to review it), which ones need a CSR, etc.
> >>>>
> >>>> So having it state authoritatively that the PR is ready to integrate
> >>>> is a bit misleading. This is documented in the Code Review section of
> >>>> the CONTRIBUTING [1] doc:
> >>>>
> >>>>> NOTE: while the Skara tooling will indicate that the PR is ready to
> >>>>> integrate once the first reviewer with a "Reviewer" role in the
> >>>>> project has approved it, this may or may not be sufficient depending
> >>>>> on the type of fix. For example, you must wait for a second approval
> >>>>> for enhancements or high-impact bug fixes.
> >>>> If anyone can think of a way to improve this and make it more clear,
> >>>> that would be helpful.
> >>>>
> >>>> -- Kevin
> >>>>
> >>>> [1]
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> On 12/16/2019 4:23 AM, Jeanette Winzenburg wrote:
> >>>>> Looks like it assumes a pull request as properly reviewed as soon as
> >>>>> it gets a single approve - independent on how many reviewers are
> >>>>> required, see f.i.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> -- Jeanette
> >>>>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
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