JDK-8193445 Performance Test (CSS applied redundantly)

Scott Palmer swpalmer at gmail.com
Thu Jan 17 23:31:46 UTC 2019

> On Jan 17, 2019, at 3:23 PM, Tom Schindl <tom.schindl at bestsolution.at> wrote:
> Sorry to hi-jack but:
>> Performance improvements and a JNI mechanism to get at native window handles are the first two items on my wish list.  Though extendable media support could potentially beat out the window handle thing.. I only need a native window handle so I can do native rendering of video frames from a non-JavaFX source.
> Couldn't you leverage our DriftFX work for this?

Yes, possibly!  Thanks for reminding me. I did make note of it last month but it fell off the radar over the holidays. 


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