REMINDER: OpenJFX 12 Rampdown Phase 2 (RDP2) coming on Monday, Feb 4

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Wed Jan 30 00:10:35 UTC 2019

As a reminder, OpenJFX 12 will hit Rampdown Phase 2 (RDP2) on Monday, 
February 4 [1] at 23:59 Pacific time.

During RDP2, the focus will be on stabilizing the release. Most fixes 
should go into jfx-dev for openjfx13. We will have a process very 
similar to the JDK's process [2] for fixing bugs in openjfx 12 during 
RDP2: P1-P2 bugs can be fixed with approval from a project lead; bugs in 
docs, tests, and demos of any priority can be fixed during RDP2 without 
explicit approval (other than the usual code review).

We will continue to periodically sync changes from 12-dev --> jfx-dev 
for the duration of the release, so as a reminder, any changes that are 
approved to go into 12 should be pushed into 12-dev and then will be 
synced into jfx-dev without the developer needing to push explicitly in 
both places.

-- Kevin


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