Windows (32bit) build problems

Robert Lichtenberger r.lichtenberger at
Tue Jul 9 14:13:33 UTC 2019

After restarting from scratch (on a different machine) the build
problems described below simply went away :-). So there was probably
something in my environment or I changed something inadvertently.

Best regards,

Am 08.07.19 um 08:13 schrieb Robert Lichtenberger:
> Am 05.07.19 um 11:32 schrieb Dan Howard:
>> You will need Windows 7 or later (Windows 10 is recommended) 64-bit OS
> I have Windows 7 64-bit OS, but my target platform is Windows 32-bit ;-).
> From a first cursory look it seems that in win.gradle:
> def winSdkBinDir = "$WINDOWS_SDK_DIR/Bin"
> if (WINDOWS_VS_VER != "100") {
>     winSdkBinDir += "/$CPU_BITS"
> }
> appends x86 to the winSdkBinDir and thus cannot find rc.exe which is
> located at C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Bin and not in
> C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Bin\x86.
> If I change that to:
> if (WINDOWS_VS_VER != "100" && IS_64) {
>     winSdkBinDir += "/$CPU_BITS"
> }
> gradlew tasks works.
> Building it still has problems though. I'll try and look into further
> details, maybe I can come up with a patch that'll make JavaFX compile
> again on win32.
> Robert
>> On 7/4/2019 11:01 AM, Robert Lichtenberger wrote:
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> I try to build JavaFX-12 mods for Windows-32.
>>> For that I cloned
>>> (correct?)
>>> and read the build instructions at
>>> .
>>> First question:
>>> * The build instructions tell me that gradle 5.3 is used but the
>>> gradle-wrapper actually downloads 4.8. My guess is that the build
>>> instructions refer to the current head version.
>>> * A simple ./gradlew tasks gives the following error:
>>>> * What went wrong:
>>>> A problem occurred evaluating script.
>>>>> FAIL: WINSDK_DIR not defined
>>> There's no such environment variable in the build instructions. By
>>> looking
>>> around in win.gradle I guessed that this should point to the "Microsoft
>>> DirectShow header files", but it is not really well documented.
>>> I could only make the build continue by patching win.gradle, setting an
>>> environment variable did not help.
>>> If I add WINDOWS_SDK_DIR="C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft
>>> SDKs\\Windows\\v7.1"
>>> in win.gradle right above the checking code, I can execute gradlew
>>> tasks.
>>> However If I just start gradlew to really build JavaFX I get:
>>> FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
>>>> * What went wrong:
>>>> Execution failed for task ':graphics:compileDecoraNativeShadersWin'.
>>>>> java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException:
>>>> org.gradle.process.internal.ExecException: A problem occurred starting
>>>> process 'command '/VC/BIN/cl.exe''
>>> Any help/hints welcome :-)

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