OpenJFX 13 is in Rampdown Phase One (RDP1)
Kevin Rushforth
kevin.rushforth at
Tue Jul 9 18:04:21 UTC 2019
OpenJFX 13 is now in Rampdown Phase One RDP1 [1]. We have forked a new
jfx-13/rt repo [2] for stabilizing the OpenJFX 13 release.
Here is the short summary of what this means:
- The openjfx/13-dev/rt repo is now open for pushing changesets for FX
13 that meet the RDP1 criteria as outlined below.
- The openjfx/jfx-dev/rt repo is available for pushing bug fixes or
enhancements for FX 14.
- I will periodically sync 13-dev --> jfx-dev (meaning that developers
should push to one or the other, not both)
- The develop branch of the javafxports/openjdk-jfx GitHub sandbox may
be used for either FX 13 or FX 14 changes
During RDP1, the only restriction is that any enhancements will need
explicit approval to go into openjfx13, although most enhancements
should be retargeted to openjfx14 now. Note that these restrictions
apply only to the forked 13-dev/rt repo. The jfx-dev/rt repo is open for
openjfx14 fixes.
We will use the same rules for RDP1 that the JDK uses [3], with the same
three modifications we did for the previous release:
1. Approval is needed from one of the OpenJFX project leads (not the
OpenJDK project lead)
2. Since we are not part of the JDK, we need to use labels that do not
collide with the JDK 13 release. As an obvious choice, derived from the
JBS fix version, we will use "openjfx13-enhancement-request",
"openjfx13-enhancement-yes", "openjfx13-enhancement-no" and
"openjfx13-enhancement-nmi" as corresponding labels.
3. No explicit approval is needed to push P4 bugs to jfx-13/rt during
RDP1, as long as those bugs have otherwise met the usual code review
criteria. Having said that, most P4 bugs should now go into jfx-dev for
openjfx14, since we do not want to risk anything that would destabilize
the openjfx13 release without a compelling reason. Also, we have less
than 4 weeks until RDP2 of openjfx13 and we would be better served
fixing higher priority bugs. Note that doc bugs and test bugs of any
priority are fine to fix for openjfx13 during this time.
Let me know if there are any questions.
-- Kevin
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