Debugging JavaFX

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Wed Jul 17 14:45:53 UTC 2019

That should have been enough to enable local variable symbols. We have 
the following logic for JavaCompile tasks:

         compile.options.debugOptions.debugLevel = IS_DEBUG_JAVA ? 
"source,lines,vars" : "source,lines"

IS_DEBUG_JAVA is true if CONF is either Debug or DebugNative.

Maybe something else is stripping out the symbols.

Has anyone else debugged JavaFX recently and tried to look at local 
vars? If not, I'll take a quick look later today.

-- Kevin

On 7/17/2019 7:38 AM, Robert Lichtenberger wrote:
> I'm trying to get to the bottom of some weird layout problems in my
> application.
> To that end I want/need to debug JavaFX classes.
> But when I step into JavaFX classes I don't see local variables or
> parameter names.
> So I thought debug symbols are probably stripped from the official builds.
> I rolled my own and tried
>      CONF = Debug
> and
>      CONF = DebugNative
> in, recompiled OpenJFX and integrated the libraries
> into a little eclipse testproject.
> But I still don't see parameter names or local variables.
> Is there something else I need to do in order to see them?
> Best regards,
> Robert

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