Will there be update of openjfx-8u?

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at oracle.com
Mon Jun 17 17:30:52 UTC 2019

As mentioned in this message [1], the last release of OpenJFX 8 was 
8u202 in January 2019, in conjunction with the last Oracle-led OpenJDK 
release of the same. You can see the 8u202-ga tag [2] in the openjfx 8u 

-- Kevin

[2] http://hg.openjdk.java.net/openjfx/8u/rt/tags

On 6/17/2019 4:03 AM, Martijn Verburg wrote:
> Out of curiosity - what was the last release of OpenJFX 8? If I'm reading
> the repos correctly it should be 8u60?
> Cheers,
> Martijn
> On Tue, 11 Jun 2019 at 14:01, Tom Schindl <tom.schindl at bestsolution.at>
> wrote:
>> Hi Kevin,
>> Well isn't that true as well for jfx-12 - or is this maintained? What
>> makes jfx-12 different from jfx-8? Or is the plan to remove jfx-12 once
>> jfx-13 is released, ...?
>> Anyways, I accept this and I'll see how I can get that forked to my own
>> github account (once I have a need for it :-)
>> Tom
>> On 11.06.19 13:55, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
>>> If someone wants to create a new project and fork the openjfx/8u-dev/rt
>>> repo there, that would be fine...as long as everyone understand that it
>>> is a fork of an unmaintained code base.
>>> Since openjfx/8u is not being maintained, neither the
>>> javafxports/openjdk-jfx repo nor the new (for project Skara) openjdk
>>> project on GitHub would be suitable.
>>> -- Kevin
>>> On 6/11/2019 3:25 AM, Tom Schindl wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> What I asked some time ago is that the github fork also contains the
>>>> latest u8-state before it got frozen - similar to eg jfx-11, jfx-12 (and
>>>> most likely soon jfx-13 branch).
>>>> This would at least give us all a central place we can create our forks
>>>> on (I understand nobody is willing to maintain merge back changes
>> there).
>>>> Tom
>>>> On 10.06.19 22:29, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
>>>>> I recommend that you upgrade to JDK 12 + openjfx 12 if you want to keep
>>>>> current, since openjfx-8u is not supported.
>>>>> If you must stay on JDK 8, Oracle is supporting JavaFX in JDK 8 through
>>>>> March of 2022 [1], so you could check into that (note that this list is
>>>>> not the place to discuss support, however). Otherwise, you are on
>>>>> your own.
>>>>> -- Kevin
>>>>> [1]
>> https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/java-se-support-roadmap.html
>>>>> On 6/9/2019 7:52 PM, guoge (A) wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks for your reply, Kevin
>>>>>> I wonder to know if I'm still using JDK8 with JFX8 because JFX 11 can
>>>>>> not match with JDK8 (as I know),
>>>>>> How can I deal with the vulnerabilities of JFX8?
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Guo Ge
>> --
>> Tom Schindl, CTO
>> BestSolution.at EDV Systemhaus GmbH
>> Eduard-Bodem-Gasse 5-7. A-6020 Innsbruck
>> Reg. Nr. FN 222302s am Firmenbuchgericht Innsbruck

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