Fwd: Re: Can't commit into lanai repo (Artem at JetBrains)

Philip Race philip.race at oracle.com
Thu Nov 7 13:48:24 UTC 2019

Based on everything I see here, I wonder if Artem is not configured as a 
Project Lanai committer ?
Contrary to the census ..


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: Can't commit into lanai repo
Date: 	Thu, 7 Nov 2019 15:57:02 +0300
From: 	Artem Bochkarev <artem.bochkarev at jetbrains.com>
To: 	Philip Race <philip.race at oracle.com>


1. I can pull over ssh. Command line output:

    bocha at unit-1145 lanai % hg pull
    pulling from ssh://abochkarev@hg.openjdk.java.net/lanai/lanai
    Enter passphrase for key '/Users/bocha/.ssh/id_rsa':
    searching for changes
    no changes found

2. It seems that I've got 'write'-rights via ssh (at least for 
abochkarev at cr.openjdk.java.net <mailto:abochkarev at cr.openjdk.java.net>). 
Scp works correctly:

    scp README.md abochkarev at cr.openjdk.java.net:~

3. Output for hg verify:

    bocha at unit-1145 lanai % hg verify
    checking changesets
    checking manifests
    crosschecking files in changesets and manifests
    checking files
    checked 56593 changesets with 485676 changes to 184847 files

4.  hg heads:

    bocha at unit-1145 lanai % hg heads
    changeset:   56592:f2e40582513d
    tag:         tip
    user:        abochkarev
    date:        Thu Nov 07 12:24:48 2019 +0300
    summary:     8233714: support 32bpp raster formats (for SwToTexture

5. hg incoming:

    bocha at unit-1145 lanai % hg incoming
    Enter passphrase for key '/Users/bocha/.ssh/id_rsa':
    comparing with ssh://abochkarev@hg.openjdk.java.net/lanai/lanai
    searching for changes
    no changes found

6. hg out:

    bocha at unit-1145 lanai % hg out
    comparing with ssh://abochkarev@hg.openjdk.java.net/lanai/lanai
    Enter passphrase for key '/Users/bocha/.ssh/id_rsa':
    searching for changes
    changeset:   56592:f2e40582513d
    tag:         tip
    user:        abochkarev
    date:        Thu Nov 07 12:24:48 2019 +0300
    summary:     8233714: support 32bpp raster formats (for SwToTexture

7. hg push:

    bocha at unit-1145 lanai % hg push
    pushing to ssh://abochkarev@hg.openjdk.java.net/lanai/lanai
    Enter passphrase for key '/Users/bocha/.ssh/id_rsa':
    searching for changes
    remote: abort: could not lock repository lanai/lanai: Read-only file
    abort: unexpected response: empty string

I don't know where ssh-config problem can be. My ssh public key ends 
with "bocha at unit-1145.labs.intellij.net 
<mailto:bocha at unit-1145.labs.intellij.net>" (i.e. the key was generated 
for user 'bocha'), but my oracle login is "abochkarev" - could this 
mismatch affect anything?

On Tue, Nov 5, 2019 at 11:15 PM Philip Race <philip.race at oracle.com 
<mailto:philip.race at oracle.com>> wrote:

    That's a very generic message.
    The census here says you DO have rights :
    Could be an ssh config problem or a problem with your repo.
    I just can't tell from that message.

    Can you *pull* over ssh ?

    What do you see for these commands ?
    hg verify
    hg heads
    hg incoming
    hg out


    On 11/5/19, 11:48 AM, Artem Bochkarev wrote:
     > Hello! Three days ago I was trying to push commits into lanai and
     > got strange error:
     > "empty response string"
     > It seems that I haven't got enough rights to push into lanai repo.
     > Please advise me what can I do to solve (at least diagnose) this

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