Refire event while it is delivered is evil - always?!
Jeanette Winzenburg
fastegal at
Fri Nov 15 13:30:36 UTC 2019
*muttering to myself ..
Meanwhile, my understanding evolved a bit - there are actually two
refiring scenarios, both wrecking the event dispatch sequence, the
first more evil than the second
1. getParent.fireEvent(receivedKeyEvent) which leads to serious
misbehaviour (as reported f.i. in ) - fix understood,
implemented and waiting for review
2. child.fireEvent(receivedKeyEvent) which leads to misbehavior (as
reported in ) - still
don't know how to fix it: the child will never get a keyEvent
"naturally" because it's never focusOwner. So the parent must deliver
it somehow .. Currently experimenting with custom implementation of
buildEventDispatchChain (append the editor's chain? or a custom
dispatcher doing so?)
More questions than answers ;)
-- Jeanette
Zitat von Jeanette Winzenburg <fastegal at>:
> While fixing it
> turned out that the underlying reason for the bug was a broken event
> dispatch sequence introduced by behavior.forwardToParent. Which is a
> call to parent.fireEvent with the event that was received. This
> builds a nested chain and delivers the event to all handlers in
> that new chain - down and up again - _before_ the current chain is
> completed. Consequently, the consuming singleton handler for the
> same event is notified _after_ the scene-level handlers (in
> particular the accelerators) have seen and handled it.
> Looks like it happens for any control (not only for a TextField as
> in the referenced issue, nor only for controls with a
> FakeFocusTextField which refire while processing keyEvents), as the
> example below demonstrates.
> My current understanding of event dispatch is, that a chain has a
> life-cycle consisting of separate (?) states:
> - building the chain from eventTargets
> - delivering the event along the dispatchers in the chain
> There's a contract for dispatch sequence (like capturing/bubbling
> phase, dispatch from specialized to super event types and other
> rules). That can be guaranteed as long as chain building and event
> delivering are separate phases, it seems to break down if they are
> mixed (there are other issues with a similar/same underlying reason,
> f.i. in all controls with a FakeFocusTextField).
> Now the questions:
> - is there any specification about not mixing the life-cycle states?
> if so, where?
> - or is there a way to safely re-fire an event at the moment of receiving it?
> - or maybe I got it all wrong, if so please guide me :)
> -- Cheers, Jeanette
> The example:
> public class NestedEventDispatchChain extends Application {
> private KeyCode key = DIGIT1;
> private Parent createContent() {
> Button button = new Button("the evil button!");
> // re-firing handler
> button.addEventHandler(KEY_PRESSED, e -> {
> if (key == e.getCode()) {
> System.out.println("before refire " + e);
> button.getParent().fireEvent(e);
> System.out.println("after refire " + e);
> }
> });
> // consuming singleton handler
> button.setOnKeyPressed(e -> {
> if (key == e.getCode()) {
> e.consume();
> System.out.println("consumed in singleton " + e.getCode());
> }
> });
> BorderPane content = new BorderPane(button);
> return content;
> }
> @Override
> public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
> Scene scene = new Scene(createContent());
> // accelerator that shouldn't be triggered because singleton
> handler consumed
> scene.getAccelerators().put(KeyCombination.keyCombination(key.getName()), ()
> -> {
> System.out.println("accelerator triggered for " + key);
> });
> stage.setScene(scene);
> }
> public static void main(String[] args) {
> launch(args);
> }
> }
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