JavaFX-Bugs on GraalVM 19.3 (Java 11)

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Thu Nov 21 13:51:13 UTC 2019

In thinking about it further, since these are likely Graal bugs, it 
seems better to file them with the Graal team.

-- Kevin

On 11/21/2019 5:45 AM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
> My guess is that these are GraalVM bugs rather than JavaFX bugs, but 
> without debugging them it's hard to know for sure.
> Johan has spent a fair bit of time looking into running JavaFX on 
> GraalVM, so might have some additional insights.
> As for bug tracking, I don't have a problem with using the javafx 
> component in JBS as long as we use a consistent label to indicate bugs 
> that are specific to Graal so we can filter on that label. I might 
> suggest "javafx-graal" but am open to others (I don't want to just use 
> "graal" since the Graal team already use that as well as a couple 
> other labels prefixed with "graal-").
> -- Kevin
> On 11/20/2019 11:47 PM, Dirk Lemmermann wrote:
>> I am also observing issues related to text color. All of my  labels 
>> show up in blue instead of the color defined globally in my css file.
>>> On 20 Nov 2019, at 22:20, Michael Paus <mp at> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I would just like to know where JavaFX problems or bugs should be 
>>> reported
>>> which are strictly related to running on the just released GraalVM 
>>> 19.3 with
>>> Java 11 support. Should they go into the regular JBS or should they 
>>> be reported
>>> elsewhere?
>>> For example: I have observed that a large JavaFX application seems 
>>> to work
>>> correctly at first but then suddenly all text on all controls turns 
>>> white and
>>> white on white or light grey is not really readable anymore. I've 
>>> never observed
>>> such a behaviour on any other VM before. There is also no error 
>>> message or
>>> warning associated with this. It just happens.
>>> There even seem to be more issues when you try to use native-image.
>>> --Michael

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