> The pull request has been updated with additional changes.
> ----------------
> Added commits:
> - e846e51c: Remove TableColumn argument for resizeColumnToFitContent for clarification on TableColumnHeader
> Changes:
> - all: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/6/files
> - new: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/6/files/969ebb51..e846e51c
> Webrevs:
> - full: https://webrevs.openjdk.java.net/jfx/6/webrev.01
> - incr: https://webrevs.openjdk.java.net/jfx/6/webrev.00-01
> Issue: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8207957
> Stats: 27 lines in 3 files changed: 13 ins; 1 del; 13 mod
> Patch: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/6.diff
> Fetch: git fetch https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx pull/6/head:pull/6
modules/javafx.controls/src/main/java/javafx/scene/control/skin/NestedTableColumnHeader.java line 170:
> 169: TableColumnHeader columnHeader = tableHeader.getColumnHeaderFor(column);
> 170: if(columnHeader != null){
> 171: columnHeader.resizeColumnToFitContent(-1);
Space after `if` and before `{`.
modules/javafx.controls/src/main/java/javafx/scene/control/skin/TableColumnHeader.java line 608:
> 607: protected void resizeColumnToFitContent(int maxRows) {
> 608: TableColumnBase, ?> tc = getTableColumn();
> 609: if (!tc.isResizable()) return;
Here's my suggestion (mind the max character length per line):
Resizes this {@code TableColumnHeader}'s column to fit the width of its content. The resulting column width is the maximum of the preferred width of the header cell and the preferred width of the first {@code maxRow} cells.
Subclasses can either use this method or override it (without the need to call {@code super()}) to provide their custom implementation (such as ones that exclude the header, exclude {@code null} content, compute the minimum width etc.).
modules/javafx.controls/src/main/java/javafx/scene/control/skin/TableColumnHeader.java line 618:
> 617: }
> 618:
> 619: private void resizeColumnToFitContent(TableView tv, TableColumn tc, TableViewSkinBase tableSkin, int maxRows) {
I think we put a space when casting, like `(TableView) control`. Not sure if it is a rule.
Since you are adding new API you will need to file a CSR once the API review id done.
Disapproved by nlisker (Committer).
PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/6
From mike.ennen at gmail.com Wed Oct 9 15:50:58 2019
From: mike.ennen at gmail.com (Michael Ennen)
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2019 08:50:58 -0700
Subject: Problem of compilation of OpenJFX
Can you paste the full build log somewhere (not inline on the mailing list)?
On Wed, Oct 9, 2019 at 7:02 AM Vincent MOLLIERE
> Thank you for you answer but its seems its using the 4.7.2. I pasted the
> java-compiler-args.txt of the command generating the files :
> -source
> 11
> -target
> 11
> -d
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\build\\classes\\java\\jslc
> -nowarn
> -g:source,lines,vars
> -sourcepath
> ""
> -proc:none
> -s
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\build\\generated\\sources\\annotationProcessor\\java\\jslc
> -XDuseUnsharedTable=true
> -classpath
> C:\\Users\\LambdaUser\\.gradle\\caches\\modules-2\\files-2.1\\org.antlr\\antlr4\\4.7.2\\34fc363424d3b060b660f84974a82d6bdc7ebe0c\\antlr4-4.7.2-complete.jar;C:\\Users\\LambdaUser\\.gradle\\caches\\modules-2\\files-2.1\\org.antlr\\antlr4-runtime\\4.7.2\\e27d8ab4f984f9d186f54da984a6ab1cccac755e\\antlr4-runtime-4.7.2.jar;C:\\Users\\LambdaUser\\.gradle\\caches\\modules-2\\files-2.1\\org.antlr\\ST4\\4.1\\467d508be07a542ad0a68ffcaed2d561c5fb2e0c\\ST4-4.1.jar;C:\\Users\\LambdaUser\\.gradle\\caches\\modules-2\\files-2.1\\org.antlr\\antlr-runtime\\3.5.2\\cd9cd41361c155f3af0f653009dcecb08d8b4afd\\antlr-runtime-3.5.2.jar;C:\\Users\\LambdaUser\\.gradle\\caches\\modules-2\\files-2.1\\org.abego.treelayout\\org.abego.treelayout.core\\1.0.3\\457216e8e6578099ae63667bb1e4439235892028\\org.abego.treelayout.core-1.0.3.jar;C:\\Users\\LambdaUser\\.gradle\\caches\\modules-2\\files-2.1\\org.glassfish\\javax.json\\1.0.4\\3178f73569fd7a1e5ffc464e680f7a8cc784b85a\\javax.json-1.0.4.jar;C:\\Users\\LambdaUser\\.gradle\\caches\\modules-2\\files-2.1\\com.ibm.icu\\icu4j\\61.1\\28d33b5e44e72edcc66a5da7a34a42147f38d987\\icu4j-61.1.jar
> -XDignore.symbol.file
> -encoding
> UTF-8
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\backend\\hw\\ES2Backend.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\backend\\hw\\GLSLBackend.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\backend\\hw\\HLSLBackend.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\backend\\hw\\SLBackend.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\backend\\prism\\PrismBackend.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\backend\\sw\\java\\JSWBackend.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\backend\\sw\\java\\JSWCallScanner.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\backend\\sw\\java\\JSWFuncImpls.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\backend\\sw\\java\\JSWTreeScanner.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\backend\\sw\\me\\MEBackend.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\backend\\sw\\me\\MECallScanner.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\backend\\sw\\me\\MEFuncImpls.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\backend\\sw\\me\\METreeScanner.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\backend\\sw\\sse\\SSEBackend.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\backend\\sw\\sse\\SSECallScanner.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\backend\\sw\\sse\\SSEFuncImpls.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\backend\\sw\\sse\\SSETreeScanner.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\JSLC.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\model\\BaseType.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\model\\BinaryOpType.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\model\\CoreSymbols.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\model\\FuncImpl.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\model\\Function.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\model\\Param.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\model\\Precision.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\model\\Qualifier.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\model\\SymbolTable.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\model\\Type.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\model\\UnaryOpType.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\model\\Variable.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\ThrowingErrorListener.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\tree\\ArrayAccessExpr.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\tree\\BinaryExpr.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\tree\\BreakStmt.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\tree\\CallExpr.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\tree\\CompoundStmt.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\tree\\ContinueStmt.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\tree\\DeclStmt.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\tree\\DiscardStmt.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\tree\\DoWhileStmt.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\tree\\Expr.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\tree\\ExprStmt.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\tree\\ExtDecl.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\tree\\FieldSelectExpr.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\tree\\ForStmt.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\tree\\FuncDef.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\tree\\GlueBlock.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\tree\\JSLVisitor.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\tree\\LiteralExpr.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\tree\\ParenExpr.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\tree\\ProgramUnit.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\tree\\ReturnStmt.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\tree\\SelectStmt.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\tree\\Stmt.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\tree\\Tree.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\tree\\TreeMaker.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\tree\\TreeScanner.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\tree\\TreeVisitor.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\tree\\UnaryExpr.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\tree\\VarDecl.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\tree\\VariableExpr.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\tree\\VectorCtorExpr.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\src\\jslc\\java\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\tree\\WhileStmt.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\build\\gensrc\\antlr\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\JSLBaseListener.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\build\\gensrc\\antlr\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\JSLLexer.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\build\\gensrc\\antlr\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\JSLListener.java
> D:\\Git\\jfx\\modules\\javafx.graphics\\build\\gensrc\\antlr\\com\\sun\\scenario\\effect\\compiler\\JSLParser.java
> What do you think about it ?
> Le mer. 9 oct. 2019 ? 15:20, Kevin Rushforth
> a
> ?crit :
> > This class is generated by antlr during the build:
> >
> >
> >
> modules/javafx.graphics/build/gensrc/antlr/com/sun/scenario/effect/compiler/JSLBaseVisitor.java
> >
> > You may be using an old 3.x version of anltlr, although the build
> > should download the latest antlr4 for you. Make sure that you have a
> > clean repo with no leftovers from an older build.
> >
> > -- Kevin
> >
> > On 10/9/2019 2:06 AM, Vincent MOLLIERE wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > > I'm trying to build the latest version of OpenJFX on Windows and I
> have a
> > > compilation problem in JSLVisitor, it cannot find the
> > > import com.sun.scenario.effect.compiler.JSLBaseVisitor and neither do
> I.
> > > Where this file can be found/generated ?
> > > Thank you in advance for your help !
> >
> >
Michael Ennen
From kcr at openjdk.org Wed Oct 9 16:01:38 2019
From: kcr at openjdk.org (Kevin Rushforth)
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2019 16:01:38 GMT
Subject: RFR: 8207957: TableSkinUtils should not contain actual code
On Wed, 9 Oct 2019 12:26:31 GMT, Hadzic Samir wrote:
> On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 10:22:11 GMT, Jeanette Winzenburg wrote:
>> On Fri, 4 Oct 2019 06:13:48 GMT, Hadzic Samir wrote:
>>> Allright, this is a fix for JDK-8207957
>>> ----------------
>>> Commits:
>>> - 969ebb51: Fixing TableColumnHeaderTest
>>> - 9d379619: Removing Tablecolumnbasehelper
>>> - 4fe020fc: Fix javadoc for TableColumnHeader
>>> - c422c80f: Minor modification and uni test added.
>>> - b2bdfb5b: Change resizeColumn to protected without static in order to be able to override
>>> - 3b9b7903: Second option for resizeColumnToFitContent in TableColumnHeader
>>> - d91c56e5: First attempt to extract resizeColumnToFitContent
>>> Changes: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/6/files
>>> Webrev: https://webrevs.openjdk.java.net/jfx/6/webrev.00
>>> Issue: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8207957
>>> Stats: 523 lines in 4 files changed: 330 ins; 187 del; 6 mod
>>> Patch: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/6.diff
>>> Fetch: git fetch https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx pull/6/head:pull/6
>> modules/javafx.controls/src/main/java/javafx/scene/control/skin/TableColumnHeader.java line 600:
>>> 599: * expensive if the number of rows is large. Subclass can either call this method or override it (no need to call
>>> 600: * {@code super()}) to provide their custom algorithm.
>>> 601: *
>> see https://github.com/javafxports/openjdk-jfx/pull/289#discussion_r245482213 - I think I made a suggestion (that probably needs some native speaker's fine tuning :)
> Allright @kleopatra , I have indeed removed the TableColumn argument. It is clearer now that we are resizing the TableColumn of the header.
> I have updated the description a bit but really I'm really not good at method description so I'm open to all suggestions..
A Draft CSR was filed here: [JDK-8215554](https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8215554). It will need to be updated once the API review is complete.
PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/6
From kcr at openjdk.org Wed Oct 9 16:09:07 2019
From: kcr at openjdk.org (Kevin Rushforth)
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2019 16:09:07 GMT
Subject: RFR: 8230231: font-family not updated in HTMLEditor
On Wed, 9 Oct 2019 16:09:06 GMT, Hadzic Samir wrote:
> Fix for https://github.com/javafxports/openjdk-jfx/issues/573
> Issue on JDK bug tracking : https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8230231
> I tried to add a test but I do not succeed at even running the existing Web tests.. I will need some help on that side..
> ----------------
> Commits:
> - e9df9db5: Adding double-quote for HTMLEditorSkin font-family
> Changes: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/12/files
> Webrev: https://webrevs.openjdk.java.net/jfx/12/webrev.00
> Issue: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8230231
> Stats: 4 lines in 1 file changed: 0 ins; 0 del; 4 mod
> Patch: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/12.diff
> Fetch: git fetch https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx pull/12/head:pull/12
@Maxoudela please edit the title as follows:
1. Remove the space before the `:` (that extra space is why jcheck failed)
2. Change the text of the title to match the JBS bug summary exactly. You can edit the JBS bug summary if you feel it needs to be changed, but in this case, the JBS bug has a title that is more in line with our usual practice of having the bug title be descriptive of what the problem is and not what the solution happens to be.
As for unit tests, you will very likely need to add this as a system test under `tests/system/src/main/test`. See [tests/system/src/test/java/test/javafx/scene/web/HTMLEditorTest.java](https://github.com/openjdk/jfx/blob/master/tests/system/src/test/java/test/javafx/scene/web/HTMLEditorTest.java). Presuming that you can add your test to that existing class, you would run it as follows:
gradle -PFULL_TEST=true :systemTests:test --tests HTMLEditorTest
PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/12
From shadzic at openjdk.org Wed Oct 9 16:09:06 2019
From: shadzic at openjdk.org (Hadzic Samir)
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2019 16:09:06 GMT
Subject: RFR: 8230231: font-family not updated in HTMLEditor
Fix for https://github.com/javafxports/openjdk-jfx/issues/573
Issue on JDK bug tracking : https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8230231
I tried to add a test but I do not succeed at even running the existing Web tests.. I will need some help on that side..
- e9df9db5: Adding double-quote for HTMLEditorSkin font-family
Changes: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/12/files
Webrev: https://webrevs.openjdk.java.net/jfx/12/webrev.00
Issue: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8230231
Stats: 4 lines in 1 file changed: 0 ins; 0 del; 4 mod
Patch: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/12.diff
Fetch: git fetch https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx pull/12/head:pull/12
PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/12
From shadzic at openjdk.org Wed Oct 9 16:09:58 2019
From: shadzic at openjdk.org (Hadzic Samir)
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2019 16:09:58 GMT
Subject: RFR: 8230231: font-family not updated in HTMLEditor
On Wed, 9 Oct 2019 16:09:07 GMT, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
> On Wed, 9 Oct 2019 16:09:06 GMT, Hadzic Samir wrote:
>> Fix for https://github.com/javafxports/openjdk-jfx/issues/573
>> Issue on JDK bug tracking : https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8230231
>> I tried to add a test but I do not succeed at even running the existing Web tests.. I will need some help on that side..
>> ----------------
>> Commits:
>> - e9df9db5: Adding double-quote for HTMLEditorSkin font-family
>> Changes: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/12/files
>> Webrev: https://webrevs.openjdk.java.net/jfx/12/webrev.00
>> Issue: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8230231
>> Stats: 4 lines in 1 file changed: 0 ins; 0 del; 4 mod
>> Patch: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/12.diff
>> Fetch: git fetch https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx pull/12/head:pull/12
> @Maxoudela please edit the title as follows:
> 1. Remove the space before the `:` (that extra space is why jcheck failed)
> 2. Change the text of the title to match the JBS bug summary exactly. You can edit the JBS bug summary if you feel it needs to be changed, but in this case, the JBS bug has a title that is more in line with our usual practice of having the bug title be descriptive of what the problem is and not what the solution happens to be.
> As for unit tests, you will very likely need to add this as a system test under `tests/system/src/main/test`. See [tests/system/src/test/java/test/javafx/scene/web/HTMLEditorTest.java](https://github.com/openjdk/jfx/blob/master/tests/system/src/test/java/test/javafx/scene/web/HTMLEditorTest.java). Presuming that you can add your test to that existing class, you would run it as follows:
> gradle -PFULL_TEST=true :systemTests:test --tests HTMLEditorTest
Thanks @kevinrushforth . I'm sorry for posting the Pull request like that, I will thoroughly read the contributing guidelines and updates my PR accordingly.
I'll try to add a test asap, thanks for the pointer.
PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/12
From jvos at openjdk.org Wed Oct 9 16:10:28 2019
From: jvos at openjdk.org (Johan Vos)
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2019 16:10:28 GMT
Subject: RFR: 8231870: Updated armv6hf crosslibs script with new domains
On Wed, 9 Oct 2019 15:18:58 GMT, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
> On Wed, 9 Oct 2019 07:43:43 GMT, Dell Green <12861109+dellgreen at users.noreply.github.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, 8 Oct 2019 12:02:22 GMT, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
>>> On Tue, 8 Oct 2019 11:59:52 GMT, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
>>>> On Tue, 8 Oct 2019 11:58:43 GMT, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, 8 Oct 2019 08:41:40 GMT, Johan Vos wrote:
>>>>>> On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 19:58:20 GMT, Dell Green <12861109+dellgreen at users.noreply.github.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 17:42:21 GMT, Kenzie Togami <2093023+kenzierocks at users.noreply.github.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 17:30:11 GMT, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 13:35:51 GMT, Dell Green <12861109+dellgreen at users.noreply.github.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> buildSrc/crosslibs-armv6hf.sh pulls down debian and raspbian packages to be able to cross compile javafx for arm hard float. Up to now the upstream distribution versions have been debian and raspbian wheezy, but these are now end of life and have been archived to servers that have different domain names.
>>>>>>>>>> Tried to change to use jessie but this generates a whole load of __THROWNL errors, so for now have updated the domain names to point to new servers so that wheezy packages can still be retrieved and cross compilation succeeds.
>>>>>>>>>> https://bugs.java.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=JDK-8231870
>>>>>>>>>> ----------------
>>>>>>>>>> Commits:
>>>>>>>>>> - bb4bcc9e: 8231870: Updated armv6hf crosslibs script with new resource domain names for wheezy
>>>>>>>>>> Changes: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/8/files
>>>>>>>>>> Webrev: https://webrevs.openjdk.java.net/jfx/8/webrev.00
>>>>>>>>>> Issue: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8231870
>>>>>>>>>> Stats: 2 lines in 1 file changed: 0 ins; 0 del; 2 mod
>>>>>>>>>> Patch: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/8.diff
>>>>>>>>>> Fetch: git fetch https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx pull/8/head:pull/8
>>>>>>>>> buildSrc/crosslibs/crosslibs-armv6hf.sh line 232:
>>>>>>>>>> 231: http://archive.debian.org/debian/ wheezy main armhf \
>>>>>>>>>> 232: libatk1.0-dev \
>>>>>>>>>> 233: libatk1.0-0 \
>>>>>>>>> The use of `http://` URLs to download artifacts is strongly discouraged, since it isn't secure. Is there a valid `https://` URL that can be used instead? I note that just substituting `http` with `https` in the above URL does not work.
>>>>>>>>> buildSrc/crosslibs/crosslibs-armv6hf.sh line 392:
>>>>>>>>>> 391: $DESTINATION \
>>>>>>>>>> 392: http://legacy.raspbian.org/raspbian wheezy firmware armhf \
>>>>>>>>>> 393: libraspberrypi-dev
>>>>>>>>> Same comment hear about using an `https` URL if possible.
>>>>>>>>> I don't have any particular issue with this change. It does highlight an existing problem where we are still using an `http` URL rather than `https`. That may or may not be something we can solve here.
>>>>>>>> In general a lot of Debian package URLs are not HTTPS by default because of apt's built-in signature checking, https://whydoesaptnotusehttps.com/. However, it does seem like it should at least be supported, so it might be a bug in the `debian.org` server config.
>>>>>>>> Additionally, I see that the `getPackages` command doesn't check these signatures. It probably should, but that's another PR.
>>>>>>> https for legacy.raspbian.org works
>>>>>> I confirm that without the patch, the "cross-build tools" can not be fetched. With this patch, the tools can be fetched and the build can be created using these tools.
>>>>>> I think this PR is good as it is, as it fixes something that was broken.
>>>>>> However, in general I think the concept of this crosslibs script is broken for a number of reasons:
>>>>>> 1. for none of the other targets, we have a script for downloading the toolchain.
>>>>>> 2. we have one big blob toolchain for all ARM devices, and do not take advantage of new compilers/libraries/CPU's. Maintaining toolchains requires work, and I think it is better that the OpenJFX repository focuses on the source code, not on the build context.
>>>>>> Rethinking the concept of cross-compiliation involves much more than just downloading a cross-compiler and libs, and we should not fix that in a rush.
>>>>>> I therefore propose to merge this PR.
>>>>> I am going to temporarily change the title in an attempt to force the jcheck bot to run again. I'll change it back once done. Failing this, I will ask the Skara admins to rerun the check if possible. If this doesn't work, we will need to close this PR and have you open a new one.
>>>> Looks like that worked and reran jcheck.
>>> Please ignore the above comments. I added them to the wrong PR.
>>> This PR was and still is ready for review.
>> I'll suspend testing of the https domains as previously mentioned.
> @dellgreen once you are ready, go ahead and issue the `/integrate` command. Presuming that @johanvos will sponsor this, he can then issue the `/sponsor` command after double-checking the commit message, etc.
While checking, I notice that this PR has a different title than the title of the corresponding bug in JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8231870.
@kevin can we simply edit the title of the PR to match the one in JBS?
PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/8
From shadzic at openjdk.org Wed Oct 9 16:11:49 2019
From: shadzic at openjdk.org (Hadzic Samir)
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2019 16:11:49 GMT
Subject: [Rev 01] RFR: 8207957: TableSkinUtils should not contain actual
code implementation
On Wed, 9 Oct 2019 12:25:26 GMT, Hadzic Samir wrote:
> The pull request has been updated with additional changes.
> ----------------
> Added commits:
> - e846e51c: Remove TableColumn argument for resizeColumnToFitContent for clarification on TableColumnHeader
> Changes:
> - all: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/6/files
> - new: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/6/files/969ebb51..e846e51c
> Webrevs:
> - full: https://webrevs.openjdk.java.net/jfx/6/webrev.01
> - incr: https://webrevs.openjdk.java.net/jfx/6/webrev.00-01
> Issue: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8207957
> Stats: 27 lines in 3 files changed: 13 ins; 1 del; 13 mod
> Patch: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/6.diff
> Fetch: git fetch https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx pull/6/head:pull/6
modules/javafx.controls/src/main/java/javafx/scene/control/skin/TableColumnHeader.java line 608:
> 607: protected void resizeColumnToFitContent(int maxRows) {
> 608: TableColumnBase, ?> tc = getTableColumn();
> 609: if (!tc.isResizable()) return;
I have put the `since 14`, because if merged, it will be available in OpenJFX 14 right? (It was 13 before)
PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/6
From kcr at openjdk.org Wed Oct 9 16:17:39 2019
From: kcr at openjdk.org (Kevin Rushforth)
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2019 16:17:39 GMT
Subject: RFR: 8231870: Updated armv6hf crosslibs script with new domains