Bug in TreeTableView rendering

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at oracle.com
Mon Sep 30 13:41:05 UTC 2019

This mailing list would be the place for discussion of issues. If there 
is additional relevant information that comes out of the discussion, 
someone with an OpenJDK ID can add it to the bug report.

One problem with an enabled issue tracker, which is what we have now in 
the javafxports/openjdk-jfx sandbox, is that it gives the illusion that 
it is being used to track issues. It isn't and never has been. Both the 
README and CONTRIBUTING docs state that "while the issue tracker in this 
Github project can be a convenient place to file an issue (either a bug 
or an enhancement request), the official bug database for OpenJFX is 
JBS.", but we still get people asking about the status of an "issue" 
filed there.

-- Kevin

On 9/30/2019 6:04 AM, Michael Paus wrote:
> Hi,
> doesn't this again exclude all external developers from discussing 
> issues with other developers?
> To my opinion disabling the issue tracker defeats the whole purpose of 
> using GitHub at all, or
> did I misunderstand something here?
> Michael
> Am 30.09.19 um 14:45 schrieb Kevin Rushforth:
>> The official GitHub repos in the openjdk organization will not have 
>> the issue tracker enabled, which should help avoid this confusion.
>> -- Kevin 

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