Shared buffer in PixelBuffer

hohonuuli at hohonuuli at
Tue Apr 7 00:36:42 UTC 2020

Hi All,

I just wanted to send a "thank you!" to all the JavaFX devs for your work on JavaFX and most especially, adding shared memory to JavaFX’s PixelBuffer. (

The “tl;dr” is that I now have a JavaFX-based video player tool, thanks to Caprica Software, that can play a wide variety of video formats well and can be easily modified to support my organization's science requirements. I’ve linked a YouTube video of the video player app, playing a ProRes 422 encoded QuickTime video and communicating with another annotation application. Thanks to the shared buffer the video playback is smoooooooth.

Again thanks for your work. Stay well!

Brian Schlining
Software Engineer
P (831) 775-1855   F (831) 775-1620

Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
7700 Sandholdt Road, Moss Landing CA 95039
Advancing marine science and engineering to understand our changing ocean.

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