JPackage and JavaFX

Tobias Oelgarte tobias.oelgarte at
Thu Aug 20 05:15:31 UTC 2020

I have no problem using jpackage together with JDK 14 and JavaFX 14/16 
under Ubuntu 18.04.

My guess is that you run the jpackage command from a different JDK 
version, which loads it's own module "java.base" and references it's own 
module "". This is different from the one found inside 
the ".. javafx-sdk-" directory, resulting in the hash conflict.

Tobias Oelgarte
Mail: tobias.oelgarte at

On 20.08.20 02:52, Davide Perini wrote:
> Hi all,
> is there someone able to use JPackage with JavaFX under ubuntu with 
> JDK14?
> When I try to use jpackage on ubuntu I get this error:
> jpackage -n TestFX -i target --main-jar 
> tmyjar-jar-with-dependencies.jar -d output --module-path 
> /home/sblantipodi/dev/jdk/javafx-sdk-
> WARNING: Using incubator modules: jdk.incubator.jpackage
> java.lang.module.FindException: Hash of 
> (a405f735790e653ae6ad1ef35615c78a555389cc5076c74c52f3790a13351666) 
> differs to expected hash 
> (06d891a3ae65eb002ec7c3adeac782a67e5c76c5f1569cbb4e9bdace4e220f23) 
> recorded in java.base
> Any idea?
> Thanks

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