Blurry render of SwingNode
Kevin Rushforth
kevin.rushforth at
Mon Aug 24 18:34:54 UTC 2020
It's now in the JDK project in JBS:
I was able to reproduce it with the test program you sent.
-- Kevin
On 8/22/2020 12:28 PM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
> Actually, someone already did file a bug report a couple days ago (I
> see it in our internal incident tracker). Once it is transferred to
> the JDK project, I'll add the standalone test program from this email
> thread to the bug report, which should help in narrowing it down.
> Thanks.
> -- Kevin
> On 8/22/2020 11:40 AM, Michael Paus wrote:
>> Hi,
>> this is not a bug reporting list. Please file your bug report here
>> instead.
>> Best regards
>> Michael
>> Am 22.08.20 um 19:57 schrieb Thangalin:
>>> Ahoy list,
>>> Running OpenJDK 14.0.1 on Windows 7, adding a SwingNode to a SplitPane
>>> causes the contents of the SwingNode to appear blurry. There's a full
>>> write-up with screen-shots at:
>>> Here's an SSCCE that demonstrates the problem:
>>> import javafx.application.Application;
>>> import javafx.embed.swing.SwingNode;
>>> import javafx.scene.Scene;
>>> import javafx.scene.control.SplitPane;
>>> import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane;
>>> import javafx.scene.layout.VBox;
>>> import javafx.stage.Stage;
>>> import javax.swing.*;
>>> import java.awt.*;
>>> import static javafx.application.Platform.runLater;
>>> import static javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater;
>>> public class FlyingSourceTest extends Application {
>>> public static void main( String[] args ) {
>>> Application.launch( args );
>>> }
>>> @Override
>>> public void start( Stage stage ) {
>>> invokeLater( () -> {
>>> stage.setTitle( "SSCCE" );
>>> final var size = 120f;
>>> final var font = new javafx.scene.text.Font( "Arial", size );
>>> final var bgStyle = "-fx-background-color: white";
>>> // FX label, StackPane
>>> final var fxLabelTop = new javafx.scene.text.Text( "FX/FX" );
>>> fxLabelTop.setFont( font );
>>> final var fxStackPaneTop = new StackPane( fxLabelTop );
>>> // FX label, StackPane
>>> final var fxLabelSplit = new javafx.scene.text.Text( "FX
>>> LABEL" );
>>> fxLabelSplit.setFont( font );
>>> final var fxLabelPane = new StackPane();
>>> fxLabelPane.getChildren().addAll( fxLabelSplit );
>>> fxLabelPane.setStyle( bgStyle );
>>> // Swing label, StackPane
>>> final var swingLabel = new JLabel( "SW LABEL" );
>>> swingLabel.setBackground( Color.WHITE );
>>> swingLabel.setOpaque( true );
>>> swingLabel.setFont( swingLabel.getFont().deriveFont(
>>> Font.PLAIN, size ) );
>>> final var swingLabelNode = new SwingNode();
>>> swingLabelNode.setContent( swingLabel );
>>> final var swingLabelPane = new StackPane( swingLabelNode );
>>> swingLabelPane.setStyle( bgStyle );
>>> final var fxSplitPane = new SplitPane(
>>> fxLabelPane, swingLabelPane );
>>> fxSplitPane.setPrefSize( 1280, 300 );
>>> final var root = new VBox();
>>> root.getChildren().addAll( fxStackPaneTop, fxSplitPane );
>>> root.setStyle( bgStyle );
>>> runLater( () -> {
>>> final var scene = new Scene( root );
>>> stage.setScene( scene );
>>> } );
>>> } );
>>> }
>>> }
>>> Closely compare the "L" from "SW LABEL" to the "L" from "FX LABEL".
>>> You'll see that the "SW LABEL" ell has what looks like stronger
>>> antialiasing applied.
>>> Changing the Graphics2D rendering hints on the JLabel has no effect.
>>> Changing the JLabel's AffineTransform to shift by 0.5px worsens the
>>> blurriness. Moving the SwingNode out of the SplitPane renders crisply,
>>> as expected. The font colours and background do not affect the
>>> outcome, but are there to make consistent output, which makes
>>> comparing easier.
>>> This problem affects neither X11 (Linux) nor OSX, only Windows.
>>> Been trying to fix this for several days without success.
>>> Any ideas why embedding a SwingNode within a SplitPane causes a blurry
>>> effect? And how can the problem be resolved?
>>> Thank you!
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