Linux basic application not displaying correctly

Chad Preisler chad.preisler at
Sun Dec 13 19:57:21 UTC 2020

I'm running elementaryOS and when I use gtk3 the main window does not
display correctly. When using gtk2, the main window does display correctly.

Here is the command line to run with gtk2.

java -Djdk.gtk.version=2
--module-path="/home/chad/javafx/jfx/build/sdk/lib" --add-modules
javafx.controls,javafx.fxml -jar target/javafxElementaryOS-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

Here is the command line to run with gtk3.

java -Djdk.gtk.version=2
--module-path="/home/chad/javafx/jfx/build/sdk/lib" --add-modules
javafx.controls,javafx.fxml -jar target/javafxElementaryOS-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

I've added two screenshots. Please notice in the gtk3 one that the mouse
cursor changes inside the window. I can actually change the window size
from that spot.

I modified glass_window.cpp and added some cout statements to print
messages. The major difference I see in method
WindowContextTop::process_configure the frame width and height returned
from gdk_window_get_frame_extents are bigger in the gtk3 run.

Here is my output from the gtk2 run:

chad at chad-Inspiron-5565:~/NetBeansProjects/javafxElementaryOS$ java
-Djdk.gtk.version=2 --module-path="/home/chad/javafx/jfx/build/sdk/lib"
--add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml -jar
Gtk-Message: 13:49:22.237: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
Creating main window! POPUP2
WindowType is not TITLED
Frame extents: top 0 left 0 bottom 0 right 0
geometry_get_window_width 640
geometry_get_content_width 640
geometry_get_window_height 513
geometry_get_content_width 480
window_configure newWidth 640 newHeight 480
geometry_get_window_width 640
geometry_get_window_height 513
geometry_get_window_width 640
geometry_get_window_height 513
Window is decorated
frame.width 640 frame.height 480
Frame x 640 frame y 209
Frame extents: top 0 left 0 bottom 0 right 0
geometry_get_window_width 640
geometry_get_window_height 513
Window is decorated
frame.width 640 frame.height 513
Frame x 640 frame y 209
Frame extents: top 33 left 0 bottom 0 right 0
geometry_get_window_width 640
geometry_get_window_height 513
Window is decorated
frame.width 640 frame.height 513
Frame x 640 frame y 209
Frame extents: top 33 left 0 bottom 0 right 0
geometry_get_window_width 640
geometry_get_window_height 513
Window is decorated
frame.width 640 frame.height 513
Frame x 640 frame y 283
Frame extents: top 33 left 0 bottom 0 right 0
geometry_get_window_width 640
geometry_get_window_height 513

Here is my output from the gtk3 run:

chad at chad-Inspiron-5565:~/NetBeansProjects/javafxElementaryOS$ java
-Djdk.gtk.version=3 --module-path="/home/chad/javafx/jfx/build/sdk/lib"
--add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml -jar
Creating main window! POPUP2
WindowType is not TITLED
Frame extents: top 0 left 0 bottom 0 right 0
geometry_get_window_width 640
geometry_get_content_width 640
geometry_get_window_height 513
geometry_get_content_width 480
window_configure newWidth 640 newHeight 480
geometry_get_window_width 640
geometry_get_window_height 513
geometry_get_window_width 640
geometry_get_window_height 513
Window is decorated
frame.width 798 frame.height 671
Frame x 561 frame y 144
Frame extents: top 0 left 0 bottom 0 right 0
geometry_get_window_width 640
geometry_get_window_height 513

I'm pretty sure this is some issue with the Window manager that
elemenatryOS uses. Problem is I'm not sure where to go from here. Has
anyone else experienced this? Any ideas on how to further debug this?

[image: javafx_gtk2.png]
[image: javafx_gtk3.png]

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