[Rev 02] RFR: 8235772: Remove use of deprecated finalize method from PiscesRenderer and AbstractSurface

Kevin Rushforth kcr at openjdk.java.net
Mon Feb 10 16:50:14 UTC 2020

On Mon, 10 Feb 2020 16:45:26 GMT, Kevin Rushforth <kcr at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> The pull request has been updated with 1 additional commit.
> Marked as reviewed by kcr (Lead).

@johanvos the Skara team enabled the invalidation of stale reviews. Can you re-review this when you get a chance?

Btw, tt isn't clear from looking at this that your approval no longer counts; they are working to improve the presentation of this so it will be more clear.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/66

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