RFR: 8239454: LLIntData : invalid opcode returned for 16 and 32 bit wide instructions

Guru Hb ghb at openjdk.java.net
Wed Feb 19 16:22:12 UTC 2020

On Wed, 19 Feb 2020 12:09:50 GMT, Arun Joseph <ajoseph at openjdk.org> wrote:

> With new bytecode format introduced in Webkit 608.1, the unlinked and linked bytecodes were replaced by narrow (1-byte operand) and wide (4-byte operand) bytecodes. These were extended to narrow, wide16 and wide32 bytecodes in WebKit 609.1. In narrow instructions, each argument of the opcode has a fixed size of 1-byte. The same applies for wide 16 and wide32 with 2-byte and 4-byte, respectively.
> In the Low Level Intepreter (LLInt), each opcode has a corresponding ID assigned for narrow, wide16 and wide32 implementation, and the variable `numOpcodeIDs` is used to denote the total number of opcodes. The narrow opcode IDs are mapped from 0 to (`numOpcodeIDs` - 1). The next `numOpcodeIDs` opcode IDs are mapped to wide16 opcodes, and similarly, the next `numOpcodeIDs` to wide32 opcodes. The same can be found in [LowLevelInterpreter.cpp](https://github.com/openjdk/jfx/blob/master/modules/javafx.web/src/main/native/Source/JavaScriptCore/llint/LowLevelInterpreter.cpp#L265) and also in the autogenerated file `Bytecodes.h`. 
> Bug: When `getOpcodeWide(id)` is called in `LLIntData.h`, the value (`id` - `numOpcodesIDs`) is returned.
> Fix: It's modified to (`id` + `numOpcodesIDs`) in `getOpcodeWide16()` and (`id` + `numOpcodesIDs`*2) in `getOpcodeWide32()`.

Marked as reviewed by ghb (Reviewer).


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jfx/pull/115

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