Request for adding my github userid ..

Rony G. Flatscher Rony.Flatscher at
Sat Feb 22 16:20:18 UTC 2020

Trying to place my first pull requests via github and received the following e-mail:

--- cut ---

Hi ronyfla, welcome to this OpenJDK project and thanks for contributing!

We do not recognize you as Contributor <> and need to
ensure you have signed the Oracle Contributor Agreement (OCA). If you have not signed the OCA,
please follow the instructions <>.
Please fill in your GitHub username in the "Username" field of the application. Once you have signed
the OCA, please let us know by writing |/signed| in a comment in this pull request.

If you already are an OpenJDK Author <>, Committer
<> or Reviewer <>,
please click here <> to
open a new issue so that we can record that fact. Please use "Add GitHub user ronyfla" as summary
for the issue.

If you are contributing this work on behalf of your employer and your employer has signed the OCA,
please let us know by writing |/covered| in a comment in this pull request.

--- cut ---

So I am kindly requesting to associate my github user id 'ronyfla' with my signed OCA form such that
the pull requests can go forward.



P.S.: In the meantime I have changed the github e-mail address for 'ronyfla' to the one in the OCA
if that makes a difference.

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