Proposed schedule for JavaFX 14
thevenet.fred at
thevenet.fred at
Tue Jan 7 13:51:13 UTC 2020
Hi Kevin,
I am wondering about the likelihood for the fix to JDK-8088198 that I
proposed in PR #68 ( to make it into
JavaFX 14.
I think it is unlikely to be integrated into master by Thursday since it
has yet to be fully reviewed, but since it is marked as a P3 bug, I understand
that it could still be integrated during RDP1(provided it works as expected,
of course); am I correct?
In the event it doesn't make it on time for 14, would it qualify to be
backported for inclusion in an intermediate release like 14.0.1, or would
it have to wait for JavaFX 15?
----- Mail original -----
De: "Kevin Rushforth" <kevin.rushforth at>
À: "openjfx-dev" <openjfx-dev at>
Envoyé: Mardi 7 Janvier 2020 00:26:03
Objet: Re: Proposed schedule for JavaFX 14
This is a final reminder that JavaFX 14 enters rampdown phase one (RDP1)
on January 9, 2020 at 23:59 Pacific time.
Any change integrated to the default 'master' branch after that will be
for JavaFX 15. I will fork a new 'jfx14' stabilization branch early
Friday morning (Pacific time). As with previous releases, P1-P3 bug
fixes, and test or documentation fixes of any priority can still get
into JavaFX 14 during RDP1. I'll send out more details Friday morning.
-- Kevin
On 12/16/2019 11:34 AM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
> The announced RDP1 date is the first Monday of the new year. In taking
> a closer look at the upcoming holiday schedule and accounting for
> additional days off some will be taking before or after, this doesn't
> allow enough time for the final stages of the review process to
> complete, including CSR approval. It is quite possible that an
> enhancement with a mostly-completed review and a CSR that is Finalized
> this Thursday or Friday (Dec 19 or 20), won't be approved in time for
> integration.
> To address this, we are delaying RDP1 by three days. The new RDP1 date
> is:
> Thursday, Jan 9, 23:59 PST
> The dates for RDP2, code freeze, and GA are unchanged.
> Please be aware that this three-day extension isn't an invitation to
> try to get additional features into 14 at the last minute, but rather
> an adjustment to better align with the holiday schedule in order to
> give the already-in-flight features that are nearing completion a
> little more time to make it. It is still the case that if an
> enhancement isn't ready (meaning API discussed & approved, code review
> mostly done, and CSR finalized) by this Friday, it should be
> retargeted to JavaFX 15.
> -- Kevin
> On 12/10/2019 1:45 PM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
>> As a reminder, RDP1 for JavaFX 14 starts on January 6, 2020 (at 23:59
>> Pacific time).
>> With the holidays approaching, please allow sufficient time for any
>> feature that needs a CSR. New features should be far enough along in
>> the review process so you can finalize the CSR before next Friday,
>> Dec 20, or it is likely to miss the window for this release, in which
>> case it can be targeted for JavaFX 15.
>> During rampdown of JavaFX 14, the "master" branch of the jfx repo
>> will be open for JavaFX 15 fixes.
>> We will follow the same process as previous releases for getting
>> fixes into JavaFX 14 during rampdown. I'll send a message with
>> detailed information later, but generally candidates for fixing after
>> RDP1 are P1-P3 bugs (as long as they are not risky) and test or doc
>> bugs of any priority.
>> -- Kevin
>> On 9/20/2019 8:00 AM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
>>> Here is the proposed schedule for JavaFX 14.
>>> RDP1: Jan 6, 2020 (aka “feature freeze”)
>>> RDP2: Feb 3, 2020
>>> Freeze: Feb 24, 2020
>>> GA: March 10, 2020
>>> We plan to fork a jfx14 stabilization branch at RDP1. The GA date is
>>> expected to be one week ahead of JDK 14, matching what we did for 13.
>>> Please let Johan or me know if you have any questions.
>>> -- Kevin
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