"Using an IDE" Page outdated
Nir Lisker
nlisker at gmail.com
Mon Jan 13 16:59:03 UTC 2020
Never seen this problem before. Did you run a Gradle build? [1] It needs to
generated required resources.
Also, the Eclipse files for some projects are not updated (though for the
modules they are fine, so it's not the problem you are having). My patch
for them was pending review by other Eclipse users and no one tested it, so
if you are up for it I could resume work on it.
- Nir
On Mon, Jan 13, 2020 at 5:35 PM Robert Lichtenberger <
r.lichtenberger at synedra.com> wrote:
> Hmm. Eclipse would suit me fine, so I've tried to import a current OpenJFX
> repository to Eclipse but it gives me (among others) this error:
> Description Resource Path Location Type
> Cannot nest
> 'home/rli/PWEs/jfx/modules/javafx.base/build/classes/java/main/javafx.base'
> inside library
> 'home/rli/PWEs/jfx/modules/javafx.base/build/classes/java/main' base
> Build path Build Path Problem
> The Workspace was completely new, all the other stuff (JDK 12, Java
> Compiliance Level) should be ok.
> Do you have any idea what is going wrong here? Smells like module system
> problems :-(.
> Best regards,
> Robert
> On 2020-01-10 17:52, Nir Lisker wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> I've brought this up in the past.
> I think that the best solution is for someone from the community to take
> that task. I try to keep the Eclipse section updated, we will need someone
> for the other IDE's.
> - Nir
> On Fri, Jan 10, 2020 at 10:54 AM Robert Lichtenberger <
> r.lichtenberger at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I've noticed that
>> https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/OpenJFX/Using+an+IDE
>> seems a bit outdated (refers to JDK 1.8, a folder named "rt", which no
>> longer exists, etc.).
>> Could someone please update this page so that it is easier for newcomers
>> to
>> dive into the development of OpenJFX.
>> Thanks,
>> Robert
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