TableView slow vertical scrolling with 300+ columns

Ed Kennard ed at
Sat Jan 25 16:10:17 UTC 2020

I did previously look at the ControlsFX SpreadsheetView, but it wasn’t a good match, at least at that time.  Off the top of my head, I’m not sure it supports nested column headers, which is essential for our purposes. Furthermore, in my travels around the internet on this subject I’ve seen comments suggesting it has its own performance issues, too.  I will revisit it though, just to be sure.

Beyond that, I haven’t seen any other 3rd party libraries along these lines

From: Nir Lisker <nlisker at>
Date: Saturday, 25 January 2020 at 16:40
To: Ed Kennard <ed at>
Cc: Kevin Rushforth <kevin.rushforth at>, "openjfx-dev at" <openjfx-dev at>
Subject: Re: TableView slow vertical scrolling with 300+ columns

So might it be better to submit a new feature request to develop a separate and leaner control entirely, geared much more towards viewing large datasets without all the bells and whistles of a TableView?

 Doesn't ControlsFX have that already, or some other 3rd party library?

On Sat, Jan 25, 2020 at 5:34 PM Ed Kennard <ed at<mailto:ed at>> wrote:
Hi Kevin, Nir,

I also dug out those two bug reports and agree neither are close enough.  However, it seems to be general consensus that in order to properly address the issue, TableView's virtualisation would need to be changed to support columns in addition to rows, and that the extra complexity through the rest of the control's features would not be a worthwhile trade-off.

So might it be better to submit a new feature request to develop a separate and leaner control entirely, geared much more towards viewing large datasets without all the bells and whistles of a TableView?

On 25/01/2020, 15:39, "Kevin Rushforth" <kevin.rushforth at<mailto:kevin.rushforth at>> wrote:

    I took a quick look and didn't see one that was close enough to this, so
    I think it's worth submitting a new bug report. The closest I found were
    JDK-8166956 [1] and JDK-8185887 [2].

    I also would be interested to know whether others have run into this in
    their applications.

    -- Kevin


    On 1/25/2020 2:10 AM, Nir Lisker wrote:
    > Hi Ed,
    > Try to search JBS [1] for this issue. If you don't find one, you can submit
    > it through<>, though I suspect this is known.
    > I don't know the technicalities of VirtualFlow in TableView, so can't help
    > there.
    > - Nir
    > [1] %3D javafx
    > On Sat, Jan 25, 2020 at 3:39 AM Ed Kennard <ed at<mailto:ed at>> wrote:
    >> Hi everyone,
    >> I’m new to the list, so by way of a short introduction, I’ve been working
    >> with JavaFX for the last 4 years developing a commodities trading risk
    >> management system from the ground up for a software company I co-founded in
    >> London.  All our code is written in Scala, the functional style of which is
    >> essential for the mathematical heavy lifting needed on the backend, but
    >> which also lends itself really well to UI programming and working with
    >> JavaFX.  I’m enthusiastic about JavaFX and would love to make a
    >> contribution to the project.
    >> At the center of our product is an extension of the TableView control
    >> that’s responsible for displaying all the output from our pivot reporting
    >> engine.  Depending on how the user configures the layout of their pivot
    >> reports, sometimes there are a legitimately large number of columns
    >> (300+).  When that happens, while the horizontal scrolling remains
    >> perfectly smooth, the vertical scrolling degrades to a somewhat juddery
    >> state and CPU usage spikes.
    >> I found an issue raised about this in 2019 on the old JFX GitHub repo here…
    >> …but I’m not sure whether, per Kevin’s suggestion at the bottom, it was
    >> ever submitted through the correct channels.  I can confirm that the test
    >> code included there by “yososs” on 20th May 2019 perfectly illustrates the
    >> problem I’m experiencing.  The same person seems to have a fairly clear
    >> theory on what is causing the problem, too - see their follow-up comment on
    >> 12 Sept 2019.
    >> So, my questions to the list are:
    >>    1.  Has anyone seen this issue raised anywhere else?
    >>    2.  If yes, has anyone taken a look into it yet, and possibly even found
    >> a fix?
    >>    3.  If no to both of the above, shall I submit it through the correct
    >> channels then have a crack at fixing myself?  Or is the issue likely to be
    >> a much deeper and far-reaching one than I’m anticipating?
    >> Many thanks
    >> Ed

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