[EXTERNAL] Explanation of different scaling factors anywhere?

David Grieve David.Grieve at microsoft.com
Mon Jan 27 16:29:04 UTC 2020

Wouldn't this just be a scale transform? 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: openjfx-dev <openjfx-dev-bounces at openjdk.java.net> On Behalf Of
> Mike Hearn
> Sent: Monday, January 27, 2020 11:00 AM
> To: openjfx-dev at openjdk.java.net
> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Explanation of different scaling factors anywhere?
> Hello,
> A feature I often miss when using non-web GUIs is support for browser style
> zooming. In JavaFX it is quite easy to specify all font sizes in terms of "ems",
> relative sizes ("largest") or percentages and then adjust the base font size on a
> root node inside key handlers. This works OK but doesn't do much for images
> or other controls, and of course most JavaFX GUI code specifies sizes in terms
> of pixels.
> There are various scaling factors applied to pixel sizes. There is the per-node
> scaling transform, but this doesn't affect layout so isn't comparable to what
> browsers do. There's a per-screen DPI, there's a "platform scale", there's a
> "render scale" and then there's a "ui scale".
> These seem related to hidpi/retina support and are all internal (for the
> purposes of this question I'm happy to modify JavaFX itself).
> Render scale seems to affect resolution without affecting positions or layout,
> so that's not quite what I want. UI scale sounds promising but isn't
> documented and I couldn't quite figure it out by reading the code, though I
> could just fiddle with it and see what happens.
> It feels like someone probably explored this before now. Is there a way to
> effectively expand the size of every node without altering the size of the
> containing viewport, to get browser-style layout affecting  zoom?  If not, has
> anyone explored the complexity of the modifications required?
> thanks,
> -mike

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