[EXTERNAL] Explanation of different scaling factors anywhere?
Michael Paus
mp at jugs.org
Thu Jan 30 16:59:54 UTC 2020
I am wondering whether this kind of scaling should actually be done on
an application basis. On desktop computers this is normally achieved via
some system setting of the monitor scaling. I think most people just want
a consistent scaling across all applications and so there is just no need
in general for an individual scaling. Just for very specific cases this may
be useful, e.g., to scale the text size of an editor window in Eclipse
where this can be done like in a browser via Cmd+/-. In a browser you
only need this feature because web-sites are so inconsistent in their
styling, which is normally not the case for desktop applications.
Just my two €ent
Am 30.01.20 um 17:29 schrieb Mike Hearn:
> Yes, a scale transform doesn't affect layout. That's the issue. Browser
> zoom scales fonts, images and widgets but in a way that affects layout
> bounds, not only render bounds.
> As far as I can tell there's no way to do a zoom or scale that affects
> layout bounds with the public JavaFX API. Exploring why not and what could
> work is how I ended up getting a bit lost in the weeds of all the different
> scale factors. It *feels* like one of them should be applicable if only it
> was public API. But I can't quite figure out which or how exactly it'd
> work. If nobody else has ever examined this task (it seems not) then I
> guess I can just compile my own JFX and experiment with forcing the
> different factors and ratios to see what happens. I'm not sure the results
> would be stable or portable though.
> On Tue, Jan 28, 2020 at 11:09:04, Tom Schindl <tom.schindl at bestsolution.at>
> wrote:
>> I think that can not work because layouts don't take the scale factor into
>> account nor does stuff like ScrollView but i could be wrong.
>> Tom
>> On 27.01.20 17:29, David Grieve wrote:
>> Wouldn't this just be a scale transform?
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: openjfx-dev <openjfx-dev-bounces at openjdk.java.net> On Behalf Of
>> Mike Hearn
>> Sent: Monday, January 27, 2020 11:00 AM
>> To: openjfx-dev at openjdk.java.net
>> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Explanation of different scaling factors anywhere?
>> Hello,
>> A feature I often miss when using non-web GUIs is support for browser
>> style zooming. In JavaFX it is quite easy to specify all font sizes in
>> terms of "ems", relative sizes ("largest") or percentages and then adjust
>> the base font size on a root node inside key handlers. This works OK but
>> doesn't do much for images or other controls, and of course most JavaFX GUI
>> code specifies sizes in terms of pixels.
>> There are various scaling factors applied to pixel sizes. There is the
>> per-node scaling transform, but this doesn't affect layout so isn't
>> comparable to what browsers do. There's a per-screen DPI, there's a
>> "platform scale", there's a
>> "render scale" and then there's a "ui scale". These seem related to
>> hidpi/retina support and are all internal (for the purposes of this
>> question I'm happy to modify JavaFX itself).
>> Render scale seems to affect resolution without affecting positions or
>> layout, so that's not quite what I want. UI scale sounds promising but
>> isn't documented and I couldn't quite figure it out by reading the code,
>> though I could just fiddle with it and see what happens.
>> It feels like someone probably explored this before now. Is there a way to
>> effectively expand the size of every node without altering the size of the
>> containing viewport, to get browser-style layout affecting zoom? If not,
>> has anyone explored the complexity of the modifications required?
>> thanks,
>> -mike
>> --
>> Tom Schindl, CTO
>> BestSolution.at <http://bestsolution.at/> EDV Systemhaus GmbH
>> Salurnerstrasse 15. A-6020 Innsbruck
>> Reg. Nr. FN 222302s am Firmenbuchgericht Innsbruck
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