Question ad creating a testcase that needs a jar on class- or module path

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Fri Jan 31 15:35:40 UTC 2020

Take a look at the JarLauncherTest in the tests/system dir. There is 
some (ugly) build logic in build.gradle to support it.

-- Kevin

On 1/31/2020 7:28 AM, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
> How would one go about creating a testcase that needs a jar-file either on the class- or module path?
> Are there any test units that would demonstrate how to do it? If not, what approach would you
> suggest (and if so, are there any samples already somewhere to study)?
> ---
> Background: for creating a testcase using a pseudo script engine ("RgfPseudoScriptEngine") that logs
> its invocations with the script context Bindings for each invocation and which then will be analyzed
> and used for the test assertions, there is a need to have the pseudo script engine made available
> via the Java scripting framework.
> There is a jar-file (that includes the sources as well) with the necessary definitions:
>    * via class path: "META-INF/services/javax.script.ScriptEngineFactory" entry:
>      rgf.scriptEngine.RgfPseudoScriptEngineFactory
>    * via module path which will use the information in "":
>      module rgf.scriptEngine {
>          requires java.scripting;
>          provides javax.script.ScriptEngineFactory with rgf.scriptEngine.RgfPseudoScriptEngineFactory;
>          exports rgf.scriptEngine;
>      }
> TIA,
> ---rony

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