com.sun.javafx vs javafx (with example/request)

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Fri May 8 13:37:09 UTC 2020

Only javafx.* packages are part of the public API. Anything else, 
including com.sun.javafx.*, is internal implementation details that an 
application should never call.

-- Kevin

On 5/8/2020 12:38 AM, jfx user2 wrote:
> Is there documentation around the packages (com.sun.javafx vs javafx) used
> in JavaFX?
> For example, why is there a com.sun.javafx.geom that isn't fully mirrored
> in the javafx.scene.shape package?  Why are there missing features from
> Graphics2D?
> I have a specific example that prompted the question:
> Consider the following classes:
> javafx.scene.shape.Shape
>      private static Path
> createFromGeomShape(com.sunjavafx.geom.Shape geomShape)
> javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext
>      Path2D path;
> I want to write a line as follows:
> Path path = Path.createFromGeomShape(gc.path);
> b/c I want to inexpensively get the outline of the GraphicsContext.
> However:
> We can't access Path2D b/c it's in com.sun.javafx.geom which isn't exported
> by the module.
> We can't access Path.createFromGeomShape b/c it's private.
> We can't access path in GraphicsContext b/c it's default and doesn't have
> an accessor.
> A possible solution is to add a new method:
> javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext
> public Path getPath() {
>      //implementation copied from
> javafx.scene.shape.Shape.createFromGeomShape but use gc.path as the path
> }
> That would solve my immediate problem but raises the question... why is
> com.sun.javafx hidden?  What's the architectural reason?  Is there any work
> in progress that will impact this design?
> PS my example is actually very important.  I currently use reflection and
> module opens in the build to get the path but if the getPath method could
> be added to GraphicsContext, that would be great.  For performance, it
> would be even better to get the PathIterator directly instead of
> translating into a javafx..Path but that is related to the bigger question.

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