com.sun.javafx vs javafx (with example/request)
Michael Paus
mp at
Fri May 8 23:13:21 UTC 2020
I think I know quite a bit about JavaFX graphics and I do not generally
agree with your statements.
Especially the statement that the Canvas is so much superior is a myth
from the old days of Java 8
where there were a few performance bugs in the scene graph handling. But
that's a long time ago.
(I even gave a workshop on this at the JavaLand conference some time
ago.) Maybe you could present
a few more details about your use-case and not so much about the
technique that you think is the
best fit for it. Maybe even some demo code somewhere. I am always
interested in a discussion about
graphics as long as it is supported by facts. Neither the scene graph
nor the canvas is a silver bullet.
It always depends on your use-case.
Am 09.05.20 um 00:18 schrieb jfx user2:
> From the JavaDoc "Canvas is an image that can be drawn on using a set
> of graphics commands provided by a GraphicsContext." This a bit of a
> misnomer. While canvas can be used to draw in image (actually
> GraphicsContext not canvas itself), the image based methods of
> GraphicsContext are far outweighed by the "vector" or path based
> methods. The GraphicsContext gives you the ability to freely create
> dynamic graphics without the constraints of the Scene Graph. It can
> be highly performant and scalable if done properly. The Scene Graph
> will not perform like the GraphicsContext. If you haven't worked with
> highly dynamic graphics, you might not have encountered any issues.
> The Scene Graph works ok up to a certain number of objects and it is
> not good at adding and removing objects often. GraphicsContext does
> not have the same restrictions. It can involve more work but the end
> result will scale far beyond what you can do in a Scene Graph... I
> think this is already widely accepted.
> The proposed method on the GraphicsContext simply returns what is
> already there. It would convert the already stored Path2D to a Path.
> Why reinvent what is already present and only private? This in turn
> CAN be used in the Scene Graph but it can also be used as a container
> to draw back onto the GraphicsContext. You see, a Path that is
> calculated once and then used repeatedly to draw in the
> GraphicsContext (possibly even transformed) is better than
> sub-optimally calculating that Path on every pass through the
> GraphicsContext or storing it as an image or Shape (those were some of
> my workarounds).
> Anyway, I'm requesting that a private API be used to create a new
> public method. This is really no different than existing public
> methods that use private APIs. I'm not asking to expose private APIs
> (not in this request :o). There isn't even much code. It's reusing
> what's already there.
> Ask Gerrit Grunwald about his experience with the Scene Graph vs
> Canvas/GraphicsContext.
> On Fri, May 8, 2020 at 4:27 PM Michael Paus <mp at
> <mailto:mp at>> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have to say that your requirements sound a little bit strange to
> me,
> but maybe you can make it clearer what your real use-case behind
> them is.
> What I do not understand is why you are using the canvas at all.
> Conceptually the canvas is for direct mode rendering into an
> image. The
> fact that
> this is handled a little bit different internally is an
> implementation
> detail, you should not rely on. Why don't you use the scene graph
> which
> seems
> to provide many of the aspects that you need? I admit that there
> are a
> few hidden gems internally that I would also like to be made public
> (e.g. the flattening path iterator) but I definitely see these things
> more in the scene graph context but not for Canvas.
> Just my two €ent.
> Michael
> Am 08.05.20 um 22:08 schrieb jfx user2:
> > No... given a Shape, create a Path that represents the outline
> of that shape. If I had a Path I wouldn’t be requesting the new
> methods.
> >
> > One of the workarounds for getting a Path from a GraphicsContext
> is to keep track of it as I’m drawing... however, this is overhead
> in the gc call that can become very expensive when you have a lot
> of gcs or if your gc is doing a lot of work. The path is already
> there in Path2D along with a method to convert it to a public
> Path. There’s no need for an expensive custom workaround. All
> that’s required is a method on the GraphicsContext that returns a
> Path. The same is true for getting a Path from a Shape.
> >
> > Please note that this behavior is desirable for highly optimized
> use of GraphicsContext and Shapes where you need “outlines” of
> things in vector format. The private api is unnecessarily hiding
> this information.
> >
> >> On May 8, 2020, at 3:38 PM, Philip Race <philip.race at
> <mailto:philip.race at>> wrote:
> >>
> >> The current path is defined by the application - you - and yet
> you don't know what it is ?
> >> You do say
> >>> I have other workarounds where I have to maintain a path as
> I’m drawing in the canvas
> >> Why can't you do that ? No internal API digging.
> >>
> >> -phil
> >>
> >>> On 5/8/20, 12:02 PM, jfx user2 wrote:
> >>> Ok, then please consider the GraphicsContext request that I’ve
> made. It simply enables you to get the Path from the context
> without exposing com classes at all. I have other workarounds
> where I have to maintain a path as I’m drawing in the canvas or I
> have to do hit testing on a non vector image to determine the path
> but these are way more expensive than simply creating a Path
> object from the Path2D that is already in the GraphicContext.
> That path can be used in drag and drop scenarios, fast secondary
> rendering under heavy gc use, edge tracing, and the list goes on.
> >>>
> >>> The same is true for the Shape class. I’d like to request
> that the following be added to Shape:
> >>> public Path getPath() {
> >>> return Shape.createFromGeomShape(getTransformedArea());
> >>> }
> >>>
> >>> That’s it. The underlying methods are there but the public
> api doesn’t expose them. This gives you a vector outline of the
> Shape as Path.l on demand, not stored.
> >>>
> >>> There are expensive workarounds for performing these tasks and
> I spent a long time trying... until I discovers the private apis
> already had the capability but simply did. It expose it.
> >>>
> >>> I’d these are not supported, I’ll have to stick with
> reflection, bytebuddy, or forking - non of which will be easily
> maintained or portable.
> >>>
> >>> Ps I will post additional concerns over time. The next one
> likely has to do with the mismatch between javafx canvas (gc) and
> other canvases such as svg, html2. I think there is private api
> that would help in this case.
> >>>
> >>>>> On May 8, 2020, at 2:41 PM, Kevin
> Rushforth<kevin.rushforth at
> <mailto:kevin.rushforth at>> wrote:
> >>>> Since Canvas is an immediate mode graphics API, I presume
> you are interested in the most recent drawing primitive? (we don't
> keep the composite shape for all drawing primitives -- that would
> be both too expensive and not really appropriate). How would you
> expect current rendering attributes (e.g., transforms) to affect
> the results? These are all questions that need to be addressed.
> >>>>
> >>>> As for the bigger picture, we intentionally have a separate
> render graph with "peers" for each node, although some of the
> duplication of classes is historical (we used to have a looser
> decoupling before Prism became the only backend). Unless there is
> a compelling need, we are unlikely to consider changing this in
> the general case, but perhaps could look at specific cases if it
> made sense. This is a separate issue, though, from public API and
> the two shouldn't be conflated.
> >>>>
> >>>> Btw, JavaFX has been fully open-sourced since 2013, although
> the design of Prism predates that.
> >>>>
> >>>> -- Kevin
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>> On 5/8/2020 10:43 AM, jfx user2 wrote:
> >>>>> Kevin, go easy please :0). There is a need.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Access to the outline of the path in the canvas is great for
> edge following, node attachment points, animating around the
> non-rectangular border of what’s actually displayed, etc.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The other request that I haven’t posted yet is to do the
> same for Shape. I’ve tested both of these enhancements and it
> works as desired. I’ll post the second request soon.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> But back to the bigger picture. The requests that I’m
> making are only additions to return a path from javafx not com.
> But there are other cases where geometry and convenience methods
> in com would be beneficial to the public api. It also seems odd
> that there are two layers to begin with... parallel apis often
> result in too much object creation or cpu overhead translating
> between them. I’ll be more specific about these cases over time.
> Part of my intention is to spark a discussion about the design
> since previously this was relatively closed source.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>> On May 8, 2020, at 1:12 PM, Kevin
> Rushforth<kevin.rushforth at
> <mailto:kevin.rushforth at>> wrote:
> >>>>>> While there is no plan to "open up" more of com.sun.javafx
> (and that isn't really the right way to look at it), if you have a
> proposed enhancement to the existing public javafx.* classes we
> could discuss it.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> As for your specific example, can you say more about what
> your use case is? The GraphicsContext object is a drawing context
> for a Canvas node, so it is not a natural place to put an API that
> computes or returns a path. I get the sense that you are looking
> at the existing internal implementation classes and saying "how
> can I get access to some information that might be useful to my
> application" rather than describing what your application is
> trying to do. Once we understand what you are trying to do, we can
> discuss whether the need is general enough to propose adding to
> the public API of JavaFX and what form such a new API might take.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> -- Kevin
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>> On 5/8/2020 9:35 AM, jfx user2 wrote:
> >>>>>>> I am aware of this and that’s why I am asking. There are
> useful private features in com.sun.javafx and I explained one of
> them in my message. I have an additional related example but the
> larger question is if there is a plan to open more of
> com.sun.javafx to the public api, documentation surrounding this,
> or possibly a complete replacement?
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Please consider the example I provided as a feature request.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> On May 8, 2020, at 9:39 AM, Kevin
> Rushforth<kevin.rushforth at
> <mailto:kevin.rushforth at>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>> Only javafx.* packages are part of the public API.
> Anything else, including com.sun.javafx.*, is internal
> implementation details that an application should never call.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> -- Kevin
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> On 5/8/2020 12:38 AM, jfx user2 wrote:
> >>>>>>>>> Is there documentation around the packages
> (com.sun.javafx vs javafx) used
> >>>>>>>>> in JavaFX?
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> For example, why is there a com.sun.javafx.geom that
> isn't fully mirrored
> >>>>>>>>> in the javafx.scene.shape package? Why are there
> missing features from
> >>>>>>>>> Graphics2D?
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> I have a specific example that prompted the question:
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Consider the following classes:
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> javafx.scene.shape.Shape
> >>>>>>>>> private static Path
> >>>>>>>>> createFromGeomShape(com.sunjavafx.geom.Shape geomShape)
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext
> >>>>>>>>> Path2D path;
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> I want to write a line as follows:
> >>>>>>>>> Path path = Path.createFromGeomShape(gc.path);
> >>>>>>>>> b/c I want to inexpensively get the outline of the
> GraphicsContext.
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> However:
> >>>>>>>>> We can't access Path2D b/c it's in com.sun.javafx.geom
> which isn't exported
> >>>>>>>>> by the module.
> >>>>>>>>> We can't access Path.createFromGeomShape b/c it's private.
> >>>>>>>>> We can't access path in GraphicsContext b/c it's default
> and doesn't have
> >>>>>>>>> an accessor.
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> A possible solution is to add a new method:
> >>>>>>>>> javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext
> >>>>>>>>> public Path getPath() {
> >>>>>>>>> //implementation copied from
> >>>>>>>>> javafx.scene.shape.Shape.createFromGeomShape but use
> gc.path as the path
> >>>>>>>>> }
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> That would solve my immediate problem but raises the
> question... why is
> >>>>>>>>> com.sun.javafx hidden? What's the architectural reason?
> Is there any work
> >>>>>>>>> in progress that will impact this design?
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> PS my example is actually very important. I currently
> use reflection and
> >>>>>>>>> module opens in the build to get the path but if the
> getPath method could
> >>>>>>>>> be added to GraphicsContext, that would be great. For
> performance, it
> >>>>>>>>> would be even better to get the PathIterator directly
> instead of
> >>>>>>>>> translating into a javafx..Path but that is related to
> the bigger question.
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